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Martin Oostrom
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40 kuvien
Mammoet DAF - Trailer and CargoView album, image #38
Replaced all kinds of stuff on the underside
1:24 DAF 2800 (Revell 7429)1:24 Rába S, L, F Series (DAF CAB) (Czech Truck Model CTM 016)1:24 DAF/Rába Lights (Czech Truck Model CTM 24095)4+
36 30 September 2023, 11:09
I'm in, just to see how that trailer goes! That's some ambitious project, right there, brother!
 30 September 2023, 21:11
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
My son printed these parts a while ago and they were in the way on my bench. So I'll be working on the cargo first and then we'll see where it goes from there truck and trailer wise.
 1 October 2023, 14:44
Ben M
👀 what a cool subject…
 1 October 2023, 14:54
so now you have access to 3D printers, cool
 2 October 2023, 06:40
I couldn't help wonder, what that thing is? I'm guessing that it's some kind of silo? Probably fictional, but not uncommon for unusual things to be carried around the country. I'm definitely all for unusual loads. They keep our hobby, that little bit more interesting.
 2 October 2023, 08:28
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
In game it is called an Industrial Condenser.
 2 October 2023, 09:41
Some nifty little hacks, there Martin. Keep them coming 😉
 8 October 2023, 08:29
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
Too bad is will me a one colour beast.
I might try some preshading to see how that turns out…
 8 October 2023, 09:15
Another level of great scratch work! That will be a unique model 👍
 18 October 2023, 08:02
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
I had some primer left over from the Merc and the Lambo, so why not use it on this one?
And then I couldn't help myself.
 2 December 2023, 18:47
Kyle DeHart
Stopping by to watch this too.
 2 December 2023, 19:09
unique, my friend. really looking forward the end result
 3 December 2023, 18:53
Jonathon Herring
Gotta love large complex loads. Gonna watch fascinated.
 4 December 2023, 11:20
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
Slow progress. Today I clearcoated the cargo with Zeropaint 2k flat
 6 January 2024, 16:54
Just wondering how things are moving, with this project?
 24 October 2024, 23:03
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
Stuck in traffic. There's a slow moving Beetle in front of an on old Australian Truck holding things up.
 25 October 2024, 05:56
 25 October 2024, 08:41
Oddly enough, I have a road at the back of my cave, just like that? The chassis for my Australian Truck, is currently the test bed, for my resin cabs! It does look good, with double hump fenders though 😉
 25 October 2024, 17:15
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
The Aussie truck is done and the Beetles paint is curing.
Now building a new bed for the trailer.
 13 November 2024, 20:23
Oh, I'm glued to my seat! Let's go!!!
 13 November 2024, 21:04
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
I do hope that the Mrs will bring some food and drink every now and then. It's going to take a while Bozzer.
Decision time. Do I make my own cross members or do I glue the new bed on top of the old one?
 15 November 2024, 17:44
That's a tough call mate.
Personally, I'd go for it and build my own. However, I'd check the time, by building one, and see how long it takes me? Then I'd multiply that, by the amount of cross members, plus the rails and end pieces.
I'd do this because, my time is limited and nobody really looks at the bottom of a trailer?
That being said, I have plans to build some very interesting trailers, in the future, all from scratch!
If time is on your side, go for it. If not, straight on top of the old, works too.
1  15 November 2024, 23:38
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
The kit bed has 'just' 21 crossmembers. I think I'll pass on recreating those.
 16 November 2024, 10:37
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
At ESM last Saturday, I met this guy Mark Spiers. He is supplying me with another set of axles and the wheels and such. At a reasonable price, I can get this setup look a bit more 'heavy transport'.
 25 November 2024, 21:05
On the Idea picture, your image shows smaller wheels on the trailer, than the truck. Obviously those are offset by the gooseneck. Options for wheels should be available by 3D printing? They'd definitely be steel wheels. Revell have a Heavy Duty Trailer with a beavertail. I can measure those wheels and tyres, if you want that information? That's definitely the way I'd go, for a heavy trailer like that 👍
 25 November 2024, 21:38
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
💡 Yoe mean this one? Heavy Duty Trailer (Revell 07533, 1:25)
The one that's in my stash? And the size of the lower half is just big enough for my cargo? Because I got it out and measured it?
You're a genius Bozzer. It would rearrange my projects a bit, but that's been done before.

1  26 November 2024, 06:29
Lol, exactly that one, my mate!
May I suggest you make a mould of the wheels, and cast your own? There's enough knowledge in this forum, to help you? But a smart man with a 3D printer, could also help you out 😉
 26 November 2024, 08:21
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
The parts from Mark Spier arrived in the post today. Just like we agreed, with a couple of figurines tossed in.
Mark is a fellow modeller, who doesn't want to let parts go to waste. He has a collection of leftover parts. You can contact him on his email He just might have the parts you need. Just give it a try.
Full disclosure: I don't get a cent from whatever he charges.
 27 November 2024, 13:34
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
So the switch is made to the Revell Heavy Duty trailer. I got punished right away, more ejection marks than parts. Guess what I did in the last few hours?
 27 November 2024, 15:57
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
Another hour, another question. I removed some wiring/piping. First I intended to replace it with 0.5mm brass rod. But it looks a bit thin. I also have 0.8mm lead wire. More to size, but a bit bendy.
What to use? And what to simulate the clasps with?
 27 November 2024, 19:54
Ben M
You can use brass or even paper for the clasps
 27 November 2024, 19:59
Copper! It is harder then lead. You can glow it to get it more soft.
Foil from a whine bottle, not all are usable. Often the have two alu with clear plastic in between. I often use the removed outer blacked alu.
 27 November 2024, 20:05
Bloody hell, I've created a monster!
I agree with bugsy, but you might also have some black plastic tubing, hidden in your other kits? Usually AMT and Revell. See if that works for you?
 27 November 2024, 21:07
Yngve N
I really want to keep watching this 😮
 29 November 2024, 10:17
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
Brass sheet is on its way, with a selection of different rod sizes too.
Welcome to the party Yngve, normally you would be a bit late as the trailer was 2/3 done with prepping. But thanks to mr Bozzer here, I had to start all over. On a filler, scraped, sander kit no less. A monster he created indeed.
1  2 December 2024, 20:25
Peter Hardy
A "Mammoth" project Martin! I have to admit you are making one heck of a mess so you must be having fun! Looking forward to learning with the brass or copper!
 3 December 2024, 11:09
Mr D
Nice progress 👍 extra work be worthwhile in the end ... Like the project 😁👍
 4 December 2024, 21:07
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
This kit needs a lot of work. The fit is decent to good. But there are so many mold lines. Each part needs cutting, filing, scraping and sanding. Slow and tedious.
Bozzer! You made me do this! 😉
 5 December 2024, 07:12
Impressive work Martin.

I have found that the best solution to the ejector pin marks Italeri and Revell like so much is CA glue (superglue) mixed with Talcum Powder. Make sure you have "real" talcum powder that contains Talc and not corn starch (apparently, recently Jonshon replaced the Talc in its products with corn starch so check the ingredients on the package). For CA I use the cheap Loctite from the supermarket. The Talc make the CA easier to sand.

I also use Dspiae self adhesive sanding strips (280 and 800 grits) with their aluminum boards to get a flat area:
Alumimium Alloy Sanding Boar..2+2pcs) (DSPIAE AS-RD15, No)
Pre-cut self adhesive Sandpa..00grain (DSPIAE MSP-400, No)

 5 December 2024, 09:11
... or fill the ejector pin marks with round discs of styrene, made with punch&die. It has the advantage of same material and no shrinking.
 5 December 2024, 09:14
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
Thanks for the tips mates.
Today I spent 4 hours replacing the awful wood grain on the ramps with some tread plates. It took so long because I hade to carve out enough space in a solid part of the ramps
 8 December 2024, 15:43
Time well spent. Looks good. Much more heavy duty.
 8 December 2024, 18:59
Mr D
Good job on the ramps.... nice n crisp.👍👍
 8 December 2024, 19:36
very nice
 8 December 2024, 22:19
Looks like time well spent, to me? Wouldn't it be great, if they had a router or some kind of milling machine, for our hobby? Something I might have a play with, in the summer.
This trailer can't be far away from primer, now? Or does Mr Martin, have a few more tricks up his sleeve? 😉
 8 December 2024, 23:40
Peter Hardy
Quite impressive "carving" old mate. But, why is there always a but with me and trucks, what goes underneath?
 8 December 2024, 23:43
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
I'm waiting on some rods and pipes to arrive. I need those for wiring and piping. And I'm trying to find some spare air tanks
My thumb tried to paint the parts prematurely, after a knife took an unplanned detour. A band aid or two took care of that.
1  9 December 2024, 05:30
Kyle DeHart
I really like tread plate addition. That's was a good idea. Hopefully your thumb didn't get it too badly!!
 9 December 2024, 06:28
@Bozzer, you may mean MF 70 (Proxxon 27110, No) . there is even the CNC version, but it is more for metal than plastic, in my opinion

 9 December 2024, 08:01
Very clean work Martin 👍
Spanjaard is right about the mill. The rotation speed can be set between 5000 and 20000, which is too high for plastic.
 9 December 2024, 08:20
If you already have a Proxxon or similar grinder you can just get a drill stand (MB200) and the sliding table (KT70) and save some money. Will probably not be as accurate as the MF70 but I think it will be good enough for plastic. I actually considered buying this combination (I already have Proxxon FBS240 grinder) but after considering the cost and, more importantly, how often I will use this setup I decided not to.
 9 December 2024, 08:30
Ben M
If you do as Goldman suggests, you can use one of those analog speed controls. I have one for my dremel that goes all the way down to zero rpm.
 10 December 2024, 01:45
You guys have given me some food for thought. I can see myself getting busy, after the holidays. 😉
 10 December 2024, 06:18
Bill Newcomer
Cool project. Following. I too am working on a trailer. Much smaller project though.
 12 December 2024, 04:55
Jennifer Franklin
This is ambitious! At least your son has a 3D printer. Are you seriously thinking of getting one yourself? They have come down in price a great deal. The Bambu Lab A1 is an excellent printer and is much more reasonably priced than they used to be.
 21 December 2024, 08:57
Jennifer, I'd like to hear more about the Bambu Lab A1? I'm looking for something larger? Keep your ears on 👍
 21 December 2024, 18:15
Martin Oostrom kirjailija
Today a summary of the last three or four weeks.
I keep drinking George Clooney's coffee swill, but no change in my complexion. So I decide to cut up the aluminium cups for a greater good. After drinking the coffee of course.
Brass pipe has been cut into small segments as guides through the chassis and as holders for electrical wiring, which will be added near the end of the build.
Lead wire is used to simulate hydraulic or airlines.
I replaced some bendy plastic with nickel rod on the ramp-keep-upside-topside thingies.
And I'm working on replacing some springs with aluminium tube and nickel rod.
All in all not much progress for the amount of work put in.

RE: 3d printer, haven't got the space to place/use one. My room is cramped with my stash and stuff.
 12 January, 18:11
Looking good Martin. Very creative scratch-building.

Now building Italeri's old container chassis trailer and Mercedes-Benz SK2448 so totally understand how much work these old kits require for what appeared to be very little visual difference but [a] this is my kit and I will build it as I want and [ b ] I do think that these improvement, while small individually, together will make the finished kit more "busy", interesting and closer to the actual equipment and [c] it is a hobby so why not invest as much time as I want. For me, they absolutely worth the time.

Also very tight on space and my wife is very sensitive to fumes but a 3D printer does look so useful, especially if you can put some time and learn to design parts yourself...
 12 January, 19:46
very nice improvements Martin
 12 January, 22:28
Jennifer Franklin
*wow* that is some excellent progress, and everything you've added looks great.
 13 January, 02:22
Bill Newcomer
Very nice detail work. All the lines on the chassis is way cool. I too could easily afford a 3D printer. I simply have no place to keep it. I could maybe rig one up in the attic to let it do its thing. However, at this point, I have SO much styrene to work on, I am not "needing" one as of yet.
 13 January, 02:36
Ben M
3d printing is more difficult than you might think, and resin printing is pretty messy and toxic. I have one but I find I don't use it a lot because it's such a finicky process.
1  13 January, 03:32

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