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127 kuvien
RC-ModellersView album, image #120
Finaly finished
projekti: RC-Modellers
1:87 Hühner und Gänse (Noch 15772)1:87 Hunde (Noch 15719)1:87 Ruderboot (Noch 16800)18+
50 5 November 2023, 15:30
Interested to see what's going to happen.
 5 November 2023, 15:54
Alex K
Me too...
 5 November 2023, 16:10
Nicolas kirjailija
Thanks for watching. I'm not entirely sure what will happen myself, but it will be some kind of diorama with a RC-Airfield and a lake. The not sure part mostly relates to how deep the lake will be and whether I need an additional frame or can I get by with my usual picture frame.
 7 November 2023, 19:42
Nicolas kirjailija
The planes are ready to paint, the lake is redy for the water, about half of the figures are cleand up, but that is a good job for afrer work when I usually get just about 15-30 minutes for modelling per day.
 26 November 2023, 19:55
Nicolas kirjailija
A short update:
The diorama is currently at a standstill because I made a mistake when weighing the resin. The resin is still sticky, but is currently on the radiator to dry (not to cure). I hope that when the resin is halfway solid I can fix the problem with another layer.
 20 January 2024, 10:47
Ralf Topeters
I mean the project stash alone looks promising. I have to follow this. ...can't resist...
 20 January 2024, 11:04
Nicolas kirjailija
Wilkommen Ralf
 20 January 2024, 12:19
Jennifer Franklin
Taking a seat, this looks amazing 👀
 23 January 2024, 12:44
Nicolas kirjailija
Thank you.
 23 January 2024, 18:29
I was going to say... exactly what gorby did 🙂
 23 January 2024, 18:50
Shar Dipree
funny idea - watching 🙂
 28 January 2024, 21:05
Nicolas kirjailija
You are weklome Spanjaard &Shar.
 29 January 2024, 05:57
Nicolas kirjailija
Due to the problems with the resin not hardening, I decided to start the base plate all over again. I bought a new picture frame today and have already glued the plywood panel in place. Of course I will try to salvage as many parts as possible from the first attempt, e.g. the bridge and the reed plants from Eduard.
 30 January 2024, 20:32
Nicolas kirjailija
The new construction of the base plate is making good progress.
 4 February 2024, 14:58
Jennifer Franklin
I hope attempt two goes much better; so far, so good.
 4 February 2024, 15:07
Shar Dipree
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that things will work better noch.
 4 February 2024, 17:17
Nicolas kirjailija
Thank you, I hope so too.
 5 February 2024, 05:52
Cool project! Good luck with the second attempt with the water.
 11 February 2024, 17:55
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS
Respekt!!! 👍 Viel zu klein für mich … glaub ich bleib bei 1/72 und größer 🤣
 11 February 2024, 18:37
Nicolas kirjailija
Thank you both very much. @Atomicdelirium: I Hope to get so far next weekend. Before that, a few washes need to be applied to make the ground more interesting and the aquatic plants need to be added. @Thomas: 1/72 ist mir eigentlich auch lieber, aber als ich die Figuren gesehen habe konnte ich nicht wiederstehen.
 11 February 2024, 19:04
Łukasz Gliński
Regarding the Walrus' windows - decal stripes perhaps? Black or silver?
 18 February 2024, 19:42
Nicolas kirjailija
Hi Łukasz, thanks for the Idea. I will use an Instruction, scale it down and cut the decals from an "Balkenkreuz" decal from the sparesbox.

Today I tried again with the water. My diorama seems to be tight this time, although the water level has also dropped this time. Hopefully everything will be hard too. But I won't be able to say for a few days. There won't be any pictures until then, unfortunately the diorama can't be moved at the moment.
 18 February 2024, 20:01
Jennifer Franklin
My fingers are crossed it works out this time.
 18 February 2024, 20:41
David Taylor
Is this a stealth fighter.
 18 February 2024, 20:56
Nicolas kirjailija
Thanks Jennifer. This Time it worked better. There is still some internal leakage, as the water level droped about 3 mm over night, but there is no resin on the outside. The resin-residue in the mixing container is after 26 h harder than the first try after 2 month. But with about 5 days cureing time I'm not totally sure yet.
 19 February 2024, 18:59
Nicolas kirjailija
I made good progress this weekend, but I discovered, that "planting" the reeds is suprisingly time consuming with about half of it done in nearly 5 hours.
 25 February 2024, 18:32
Guy Rump
Looking good Nicolas, very creative! 👍
 28 February 2024, 20:20
Well made environment!
 28 February 2024, 20:59
Mr James
Agree with Guy
 28 February 2024, 21:11
Jennifer Franklin
Very nice Nicolas
 28 February 2024, 22:25
Nicolas kirjailija
Thanks a lot everyone.
 29 February 2024, 06:32
Johne 69
 29 February 2024, 17:54
Nicolas kirjailija
Since I didn't get to build last weekend due to a hand injury and my visit to the exhibition, I made some progress on the diorama this weekend. Almost 3 hours of work on grass and reeds, as well as the first flowers and preparations for the first bushes / trees and the place for the couple in the reeds have taken place.
 10 March 2024, 20:07
Shar Dipree
Get well soon. Looks good so far. I think the lake turned out great with the stuff floating in it.
 10 March 2024, 20:36
Nicolas kirjailija
Hi Shar, thank you. The lake isn't done. The floating stuff is there just by acident. I'm going to clean is, add some drifting wood in the reeds and a second layer of resin. Than the 2 boats and all the floating gras can be added and fixed with some water effects. I do it that way for two reasons:
1: I got the leak where resin went missing under the frame and the water level is not high enogh.
2: I hope the resin in the first layer has seald the gaps in the reeds, so the second layer will not "climb" due to the capillary effect.
 11 March 2024, 06:06
Nicolas kirjailija
This weekend I didn't do much, but still a little bit of progress.
 17 March 2024, 19:26
Nicolas kirjailija
Thanks for your interest and the likes.
Last week I worked at the figures, partly repainting with acrylics, and starting modifying everything with oils. Work still in progress. there are 2 figures I don't realy like so far, perhaps that will change after a matt coat.
 28 March 2024, 20:31
Nicolas kirjailija
Most of the parts ar together now. Having trouble with my Printer means the decals for the Windows of the plane are still missing. I also realized today that I forgot to build toolboxes, so I made up for that today.
Thanks for your likes and your interest.
 5 May 2024, 17:24
The new landscape works much better! A lot of details to discover ...
 16 June 2024, 18:45
Nicolas kirjailija
I'm nearli done with this project. Oll that's missing now is the second Plane witch I managed to demage today. I got the spare perts, bit the paint isn't dry yet. I didn't manage tho get the cockpitwindows from Decals to my liking, so I used paint today. the result is not perfekt but I can life with it.
Thanks everyone for the likes.
 16 June 2024, 18:56
Nicolas kirjailija
I declare this one finished. Thanks for the likes and the nice coments.
 22 June 2024, 18:53
Łukasz Gliński
Lovely dio of the Walrus fan-club 😄 Love all the sweet details, like the dogs 😄
 22 June 2024, 19:08
Guy Rump
Great result Nicolas. Congrats! 👍
 22 June 2024, 19:08
Nicolas kirjailija
Thank you very much for your comments, I really appreciate it.
 22 June 2024, 19:33
Very well done dio! It's so detailed it could be from Miniatur Wunderland 😉
 22 June 2024, 20:12
Shar Dipree
Looks great. Something completely different. 👍👍👍
 22 June 2024, 21:14
Alex K
Lovely work, utterly enjoyable to watch this progress until the grand finale - congrats! 👍 👍
 22 June 2024, 21:33
Nicolas kirjailija
Thank you very much. 🙂
 23 June 2024, 07:20
Lovely! 👍
 23 June 2024, 07:44
Ralf Topeters
Your dio is not only filled with life it is filled with several different stories. So wonderful! So much love for detail! I enjoyed the whole ride from the beginning. As I finally saw the last plane, I thought it would have been a funny twist if it would have been a camera drone over the reed. 😄
Great work, keep it going! 👍
 23 June 2024, 10:58
Nicolas kirjailija
Thanks you for your kind words. I realy like the Idea with the camera drone. Perhaps I use is with one of my future projects.
 23 June 2024, 11:34

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