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Kierre aloitti WhiteGlint

Robin (WhiteGlint)
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29 4 December 2023, 13:53
Robin (WhiteGlint) kirjailija
Started work on my third MiG-21 kit in just two (?) years.
Another Eduard kit which was easy to build so far but I am not really sure about the loadout yet. There are more options available than the instructions provide and I am not sure how to attach the other pylons. I'd like to add two R-60 on the inner pylon per wing and maybe one radar guided on the outer pylons. But and I am not sure I have all necessary pylons and missiles either.
So I am gong to check instructions of the other kits of that family. With some luck I find what I need there. Same goes for the missiles themselves.

Other than that I plan to add the smaller of the two external fuel tanks on the centre pylon underneath the airframe.

To the background of the project: The mechs of the MuvLuv franchise are based on real world fighter jets.
So here I decided to build the jet the mech is based on and give it markings and camouflage like its sci-fi mecha counterpart. Like some kind of reversed what-iffery?

So far it was a very pleasant build and except for some details about the paintjob/markings I just need to figure out how to give it the loadout I want it to have.
I hope everything is already in the kit and that I do not need to buy any resin missiles or pylons. That way I just need to assemble the missing stuff, paint it and add it to the model. I might also missed to drill some holes for the pylons but I can still do that now, if I am careful.
 4 December 2023, 14:07
 4 December 2023, 14:18
Robert Podkoński
Taking a seat 🙂
 4 December 2023, 14:27
Hey Robin, cool project. I have the (non-profipack) version of this kit and I think the sprues are the same. I was just looking at them the other day and it does include the R-60 missiles because they are on the same sprue as the Atolls. The problem is the R-60 fins are on a different sprue that are NOT in the PF boxing. So, if you have some spares from your previous MiG-21 kits, you might find the fins there.
 4 December 2023, 15:39
Jan Peters
Following this 👀
 4 December 2023, 15:49
James C
 4 December 2023, 17:05
Sergej I
Watching 👍
 4 December 2023, 19:13
Robin (WhiteGlint) kirjailija
Thanks for joining in mates. Much appreciated. 😄
@John: Thank you. The other MiGs were 1/72 so I am out of luck. Maybe I can cut the fins with PS.
And I miiiight have a set of Eduard R-60 resin missiles somewhere. I think I initially ordered that set for a Czech Hind I wanted to build.
Will search my stash for them. It should contain 4 missiles which would be perfect. And I think I found the steps for the pylons that can fit two R60 in the manuals of the PFM variant. Thanks SCM.
 4 December 2023, 20:07
I'm in too!
 5 December 2023, 12:38
Robin (WhiteGlint) kirjailija
Welcome Neil!

Made a little bit of progress. I applied the first decals and stencils and I have quite some more to go.
I also found my R-60 missile set and I hope to work on it soon to have them assembled and painted before I apply the next clear coats to seal in the decals.
 10 December 2023, 19:36
Robin (WhiteGlint) kirjailija
Added some streaking as next step of weathering. I don't want to overdo it so I hope it not too dirty.
After everything has dried again I will apply more varnish to protect it all.

I found the Eduard R-60 and tried to assembly them but, as expected, I failed. Some of the resin fins fell to the ground and disappeared, which really sucks.
I kept the launch rails but will order a set of 3d printed R-60 from Reskit. From how the instuctions look like I only need to glue the seeker head onto the missile while all fins are already attached.

My last try to get some R-60 for this project. If I fail again, I will probably keep the MiG without any missiles and pylons.
 30 December 2023, 18:45
Robin (WhiteGlint) kirjailija
Here are some images of the finished aircraft. In the end I did not install any R-60 but that's okay.
It's basically done now but I want to try myself at building a little scenic base with PAG concrete slabs.

Not sure when that will happen. I plan to build a 1/48 East German "Stasi" MiG-27 in a two-tone red camo based on the mech from the show to display along this one. Given the connection of the characers piloting them I kind of want to put them on the same apron, next to each other.

While I can basically begin working on it, I am still tinkering a bit with the custom decals I need to order for that one. My MiG-27 kit does not have the right decals, and I need to place the fictional stuff anyway.

This was definitely fun project and I look forward to work on more what-if, Ace Combat and other unusual aircraft and other topics.

 30 January, 21:52
Sergej I
Niiice MiG! Cool alternative Ferris camo 🙂
I would see weathering on the strong side, streaks like that you can keep on the bottom side near the engine openings and maybe behind some service panels, but not on the wing in general.
 31 January, 07:15
Robert Podkoński
Good job, Robin! Congrats! I cannot wait to see the dio 😉
 31 January, 07:30
Robin (WhiteGlint) kirjailija
Thanks Sergej and Robert. 🙂
Yes, I probably went a bit heavy on the wathering but all in all I am happy with how it turned out.
For some reason I love the MiG-21 a lot and might build some more in the future. I think this one was my third MiG-21 build in just a few years. It was a nice kit, too.

Robert: Maybe I can already do some preparations soon. I am currently working on a 1/48 MiG-23, which will be a gift for a friend. Once she is ready I can use her to measure and plan out the diorama for this MiG-21 together with the MiG-27.
 3 February, 08:16
Robert Podkoński
 3 February, 13:29
Guy Rump
Great job! 👍
 3 February, 15:39

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