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Beech AT-11 Kansan - Racer --DONE
I am happy to call this project DONE. finally.
projekti: Beech AT-11 Kansan
67 9 December 2023, 14:58

Hi - was off a few days - so welcome and thx for your interest mates!
16 January 2024, 06:30

Have the "September Pops" decals in hand now - time to bring this one back to the bench soon.
26 March 2024, 10:16

Hi guys - thx for following and giving words of motivation.
27 March 2024, 08:29

As the the Austrian Thyphoons whizzed past this Kansan recendl and theSchopf tractor has towed them back in the hangar, I can now put this bird back on the work-bench. Primer application was done last weekend.
11 November 2024, 16:46

Nicolas, Lukasz & Cuajete - thx. The pink is great - I had a weak moment to go for a "what if" livery, because I liked it pink too.
That moment is gone - moved forward with application of white paint. The ultimate pink --> to red test will follow soon. 😉
29 November 2024, 09:33

Now the red paint is applied. Prepairing the bird now for the decals,.....
7 December 2024, 08:00

The red paint looks sharp; it's very nice and the lines are incredibly clean.
21 December 2024, 11:33

After the anger has passed I felt motivated enough to finish this bird. The whole project took quite a while to complete.
I was so upset about the mistakes with the decals and then aften correction I messed around with the airbrush and the final clear coat. The finishing line in sight but goose bumbs on the kit's surface , grrrr 😠
But - final pic's up-loaded now - I declare this one COMPLETED.
2 March, 16:12

Congratulations to this gem, Jürgen! Al beautiful rare bird, beautifully executed!
2 March, 17:26

Thank you very much, mates, for so many positive comments - 🙂
4 March, 18:03

Ein schönes Modell eines nicht allzu bekannten Flugzeug hast du da gebaut. Gratuliere Jürgen!
1 15 March, 10:15