Kierre aloitti gorby

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101 23 December 2023, 15:23

Good job, Gorby! (and I totally accept your view at building plastic models... Of course, if one does not want to take part in any modellers' contests, like me 😉 )
23 December 2023, 15:28

All three - tank, truck and trailer - look outstanding! I love tje painting and weathering 👏👍
23 December 2023, 15:58

Thanks very much Robert & Marcin, I'm glad you like it/them. 🙂
23 December 2023, 17:07

Thanks Alec & Rui.
I don't have a problem if others want to be accurate, I just hate it when they decide that MY model has to live up to their standards. Modelling should be a joy and everyone finds different aspects enjoyable - not taking it seriously is my way. 🙂
23 December 2023, 17:52

It looks grand Gorbs, nice contrast of the different camos too 👍 These 3-turret tanks are really cool
25 December 2023, 22:31

I like Gorbyland. A place where happy accidents lead to unique builds.
The serious blokes who don't understand can go and live in FrustrationTown.
The serious guys who do understand can visit occasionally on a temporary visa?
Nice build Gorby 👍🏻
26 December 2023, 07:57

That made me laugh Martin.
All like minded souls are welcome in Gorbyland (although it's very small so you might have to queue). 😉
Thanks for your comment.
26 December 2023, 08:52

Thanks very much Neuling. It's a shame I don't have your photography skills.
26 December 2023, 09:54

I would'nt know if its accurate or not it looks like a great model to me.
28 December 2023, 05:33

Thanks mates! 👍
I wouldn't have known it wasn't accurate either but apparently those front wheels are enough to make a grown obsessive rant. And apparently the cab is 1mm too small (or big, I can't remember now) - 1 whole millimetre!!! The shock and horror of it. 😉
28 December 2023, 08:55

I like the original and the model is unique! And the most important thing about a hobby is that it brings us pleasure. If you like the model, then everything is as it should be.
29 December 2023, 17:10

I love it. I can only imagine how difficult it was to get everything to line up. A very cool presentation and subject.
29 December 2023, 17:43

As the saying goes "if it looks like a duck, it's a duck" If you enjoy what you build fair play. If someone else likes your build, bonus. If someone doesn't like your build there loss. We mainly do this hobby for the enjoyment, relaxation and piece of mind and long may your builds continue. 👍🥸👍
29 December 2023, 23:29

Yes Scott is was a little fiddly in 1/72 but that just adds to the enjoyment for me.
That's just how I see it Mark. As modellers in the twenty first century we have so much to be grateful for and yet some people still complain about insignificant details. First-world problems people, first-world problems.
Thank you both for taking the time to comment, and thanks to everyone who has clicked 'like'. 👍
30 December 2023, 10:03

Accurate or not, still absolutely beautiful, on this scale then!
30 December 2023, 18:19

As a big fan of both your modelling skills and witty musings I couldn't not chime in on the accuracy of the wonderful Gorby world. Not sure if you've seen this guy's work and their reference photos, but it does put both the cruiser tank and the scammel carrier in the western desert at the same time. After all, just because their isn't a photo, doesn't mean it didn't happen!
PS - you've done you modelling friend Paul proud with an amazing job on tiny 1/76 kits.
19 January 2024, 23:56

fantastic job gorby, and it you had fun with it, even better. always a pleasure to see your builds (and comments 😉 )
20 January 2024, 00:27

Thanks very much for both of your lovely comments. 🙂
Thanks Jay, that's an excellent site which may have added to my modelling to-do list. 👍
20 January 2024, 08:37

Very nice work, gorby. I'm sorry I missed the progression, but I'm happy to see the end result.
23 January 2024, 13:38

You maybe somewhat aware of my own attitude to complete accuracy in a build! If we all aimed for the same. Each model presented would be a carbon copy, paint by numbers affair, with little personal interpretation. Where's the joy in that! I like it very much... I know nothing about the subject, but can certainly appreciate the skill involved. Looks great mate! 👍👍
27 January 2024, 17:00

Sorry Neil I missed your comment. That 'Real Life' stuff has been keeping me a little too busy.
I agree completely, my aim is just to enjoy myself and produce something which I model, my rules. 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to comment. 👍
12 February 2024, 07:34

I only see a beautifully built model that inspires me to also make models that I hope will one day reach this level of finish. (in a 100 years or so 😁)
The photos are also of a particularly high quality, so I enjoy flicking through the album from time to time.
9 April 2024, 09:24

Thanks very much Bohrmann! From what I've seen your models will surpass mine quite soon. 😉
9 April 2024, 10:12