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Kierre aloitti BSA

Alain Brshl
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
55 14 January 2024, 11:45
Jennifer Franklin
Looking sharp so far, following 👀.
 18 January 2024, 16:31
Robert Podkoński
Me 2!
 18 January 2024, 16:47
Alain Brshl kirjailija
The delicate part is approaching: finishing and installing the stay cables. See you at the end!
 18 January 2024, 17:05
Robert Podkoński
This is a good-looking plane, and your model looks fantastic already.
 20 January 2024, 10:47
Alain Brshl kirjailija
As expected, the stays are tricky to install, especially with my big fingers. Nevertheless, I am happy to have a colorful plane on my shelves!

Kind regards.
 22 January 2024, 14:29
Thomas Bischoff
colourfull and nice result 👍
 22 January 2024, 15:33
Steve Desarzens
très joli résultat ! il s'agit certainement d'un projet à court terme pour moi. Cela m'inspire 🙂
 22 January 2024, 17:08
Alain Brshl kirjailija
Thanks Thomas and Steeve. @Steeve (en français !) : maquette très plaisante à monter avec une gravure très fine et de beaux détails. Fais-toi plaisir !
 22 January 2024, 17:47
Very beautiful colors, top paintwork
 22 January 2024, 18:09
Jennifer Franklin
oh, very nice, loving the end result.
 22 January 2024, 22:05
Great work on the rigging!
 23 January 2024, 04:06
Alain Brshl kirjailija
Thanks mates !
 23 January 2024, 08:26
Rui S
Beautiful work 👍
 28 January 2024, 16:34
Alain Brshl kirjailija
Obrigado Rui !
 31 January 2024, 19:42
Paul Moore
That's really cool. Great job on the model and the diorama! Gets me thinking ….
 12 November 2024, 13:15
Paul Moore
Where did you get the pilot figures and flight deck? Again, super job.
 12 November 2024, 13:18
Landlubber Mike
What a colorful plane! I love these pre-WW2 yellow wings. Nicely done!

Can I ask how you did the rigging? Did you use wire, thread, etc.?
 12 November 2024, 21:59
Alain Brshl kirjailija
To Paul and Mike : thank you for your kind comments. For the pilot figures ant the flight deck, I used these items : Aircraft Carrier Deck (Eduard 8802, 1:48) and WWII U.S. Navy Pilots w/Moto-Tug (Tamiya 61107, 1:48).


For the rigging I used the stays included in the photoetched sheet (provided in the box) but which can be tricky to use. This is why I also used cables made of stretched plastic.

Best regards !

 14 November 2024, 16:41
Landlubber Mike
Thank you for that info Alain!
 15 November 2024, 16:33

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