Kierre aloitti Super-crouz

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75 28 January 2024, 18:44

The Martin is now completed! Thanks for your comments! 🙂
29 February 2024, 17:57

These old flying stringbags are already very impressive. Wonderful Building and painting.
1 March 2024, 07:02

Merci pour vos commentaires! :-D
Thanks you all!
1 March 2024, 21:15

I made the rigging with fine copper wire and fishing line. Calm and deep breath required!
2 March 2024, 19:28

Your scratchbuild add-on's really helped it and gave me ideas for when I do this. It was interesting that you glued the interplane struts on before painting. I understand the reasoning, but I'm pretty sure I would have broken some of them off in the process. Did you have any problem with that? Very nice! Wish this was in 1/48.
16 February, 11:06