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Greg Baker
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102 2 February 2024, 06:28
Greg Baker kirjailija
I've been saying that I've been working on repairing/upgrading my Tintin model collection. I'm not quite finished (still 2-3 on the workbench), but I wanted to take a few pics of the new display now that it's coming together. I'm going to take some close-up pics once I finish off the last few.
 2 February 2024, 06:34
Very nice, a treasure for sure .........
 2 February 2024, 06:43
Markus Antonius
"It belongs in a museum!" 🙂
 2 February 2024, 06:44
Lochsa River
 2 February 2024, 07:19
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Absolut awesom Collection!! Super nice!👍👍👍👍
 2 February 2024, 07:38
ScaleFella NAFO
 2 February 2024, 07:40
wow, great to see the collection together!!
 2 February 2024, 08:06
Beautiful collection!
 2 February 2024, 08:57
Maciej Bellos
One like is nothing. Many likes from me Greg!
 2 February 2024, 09:26
Łukasz Gliński
Outstanding, where can we get the tickets?
 2 February 2024, 09:36
Łukasz Gliński
The dark brown background adds a bit of vintage feel to your collection 👍
 2 February 2024, 09:39
Uwe Kaeding
Fantastic display Greg!
 2 February 2024, 11:44
Erik De Smet
brilliant, magnifique, and with the original albums in the background. Hergé would be very pleased
 2 February 2024, 12:07
Nils Steyaert
i must say, truely impressive 👍
 2 February 2024, 12:17
Alec K
Greg, this is really outstanding, a presentation quality few ever achieve. And considering that you had to repair it all, doubly impressive 👍
 2 February 2024, 12:44
Wow Greg, not only quality models - as we know from your build logs here - but also a very nice presentation 👍
 2 February 2024, 13:34
Nathan Dempsey
Wow, it's nice to see them all together. What a great display.
 2 February 2024, 14:42
LucLuke B
Really cool! Can't wait for the Unicorn. Are you going to do that with the broken mast? Or even three copies of the same ship?
 2 February 2024, 15:28
Urban Gardini
@ LucLuke B ROFL
 2 February 2024, 15:31
Urban Gardini
Great showcase mate, well done!
 2 February 2024, 15:32
Bob Hall
That's a sweet set-up ! 👍
 2 February 2024, 15:38
Very cool and beautiful 😍
 2 February 2024, 15:38
Bart L
nice themed collection well executed!
 2 February 2024, 16:03
Robert Podkoński
 2 February 2024, 16:08
Greg Baker kirjailija
Thanks guys! I used to have my Tintin collection in an IKEA glass display case, but it outgrew it (and adding extra shelves was partly to blame for having one fall and crush several of the models below it, and damage some of the other ones). At the moment, the only projects that are still "ghosts" (i.e. no figures) are:

- The BMW motorcycle and side-car (Soviets)
- the wooden canoe (Broken Ear)
- the ZIL limo and Land Rover (Picaros)

The Armoured car (Red Sea Sharks) requires no driver to be seen, but I did try to stick a small Tintin face (just eyes really) peeking out of the Bordurian tank (Calculus Affair), but I gave up... and even though I think I could get a prop motor in, I'm at a total loss as to how to insert a pilot into the Beechcraft Bonanza... I may have to redo that one eventually. I'm already planning on redoing the DHC Chipmunk (upgrade from the old Airfix kit to the nice AZModel kit that Robert sent me), so what's one more, right?
 2 February 2024, 18:35
Greg Baker kirjailija
At the moment, on the workbench, I've got:
- The Mil-3 Helicopter (now with a spinning rotor and a pilot climbing in) (Picaros)
- The yellow Opel Olympia (Otokar's Sceptre), just waiting for a new 3D printed motorcycle to chase it.
- My yellow Tiger Moth (Black Island). This one bugs me... some of the struts broke and I seem to have lost them... do I just steal the needed parts from my other box, or do I rebuild it? Haven't decided, so it's still sitting.
 2 February 2024, 18:42
Greg Baker kirjailija
As for new projects... I'm currently working on my Model T (Congo), but trying to decide if I want to include the little train as I first planned or just stick with the car itself. I've also got a half started Red Rackham pirate ship (using the HMS Bounty as a base for a kitbash). And LucLuke B - I've got a Soleil Royal kit that I plan to turn into the Unicorn! Oh, and currently in the 3D model building stage... the Carreidas 160 (Flight 714).

So, I think I'm gonna need a bigger shelf... 😉
 2 February 2024, 18:46
Daniel Klink
Wonderful and unque collection Greg! You should really think about some kind of private Exhibtion!
 2 February 2024, 18:48
Donald Dickson II
A great display for a fantastic collection of work!
 2 February 2024, 18:55
Wow... I have no words for this. I love it!
I'm glad to see your collection again in this big, bright new display case.
 2 February 2024, 20:06
Alex K
One of the most amazing collections to ever grace the scalemates news feed... Every praise in the above comments is so well deserved... Maybe one day we will see such displays of your other collections (Studio Ghibli, DC Comics etc) too?
 3 February 2024, 14:35
Julian Herrero aka Yuri
 3 February 2024, 21:08
Gary Kitchen
Agree with everything said above. There are some amazing modellers on this forum and some truly inspirational dioramas but the elegance and imagination of this collection is a joy to behold every time. How many more can you extract from the source material is the question? 👍
 15 February 2024, 08:02
Greg Baker kirjailija
Ha! Thanks Gary! Don't worry... there's PLENTY more projects to be mined here. Some bigger than others... and some more likely to see the light of day than others, but I've list almost 100 more potential projects on my blog~ Stay tuned!
 16 February 2024, 03:28
Magnifique ! looking forward for the upcoming inspiration !
 16 February 2024, 04:21
Michael Kohl
Very neat.
 16 February 2024, 07:54
 16 February 2024, 09:37
Juergen Klinglhuber
 18 February 2024, 14:33
 18 February 2024, 15:42
Greg Baker kirjailija
Thanks everyone! A few more (scale/sizing) adjustments to a couple of projects and I'm going to take some new final pics of each and will update this album.
 18 February 2024, 16:38
 18 February 2024, 19:26
Beautiful display! 😄
 18 February 2024, 19:57
Villiers de Vos
Thank you for sharing your Tintin universe.
 17 September 2024, 16:09
Bruce Huxtable
What a splendid collection 🙂
 17 September 2024, 16:53
Michael Kohl
Indeed it is.
 17 September 2024, 17:23
Ed Janka
Greg, this is ART! I am speechless... 👏
 17 September 2024, 17:45
Nils Steyaert
truely an amazing collection!
 17 September 2024, 18:21
Greg Baker kirjailija
Thanks guys. Looks like I'll have to update my Tintin shelf pictures soon. The Hawker Hart project I just posted was number 48, and I've got number 49 on the workbench underway... but I feel like I should do something special for Tintin Project 50. I've got some plans for some truly monumental projects... including the moon rocket, the Unicorn ship and Marlinspike Hall itself, but I'm not quite ready to tackle any of those. I have 3 thoughts in mind... I wonder which one I'll pick... 🙂
 17 September 2024, 19:01
Claus Gaertner
Amazing, I`m a big fan myself nice job !
 17 September 2024, 19:07
Lorraine Lin
Greg, what a cute collection. Love it!
 18 September 2024, 03:31
Erik Off
Awesome! Love it! ❤️️
 18 September 2024, 07:06
A fantastic collection, its been wonderful to watch it grow.
 18 September 2024, 08:19
Alec K
Greg, this is truly itnspirational and impressive 👍
 18 September 2024, 12:08
David Taylor
love it.
 18 September 2024, 13:51
Greg, I'm sure any of the options for project 50 will have a good result in your hands 😉
 18 September 2024, 17:48
LucLuke B
Where did you get the Hergé font for your labels?
 18 September 2024, 17:52
Greg Baker kirjailija
Thanks for the kind words all! It's much appreciated. As for Project 50... I think I settled on which one it will be. I think it's both iconic and impactful enough to be worthy of such an honour. Which one is it? Well, you'll just have to keep tuned to this channel to find out~ 😉
 18 September 2024, 17:52
Bas Tonn
Amazing !! this is great !! I take my hat off...
 18 September 2024, 18:03
B. M.
Tintin coming alive!
How great of a collection.
Admiration 🙂
 23 September 2024, 17:40
Sy Bar
I love your TinTin builds so original and well executed
 23 September 2024, 17:59

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