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Kierre aloitti halohead

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42 3 February 2024, 16:17
Good work on this beautiful aircraft. I like the extra details, and arangement in the photos.
 3 February 2024, 18:54
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS
Absolutely stunning build and very impressive pictures as well 👍👍👏👏
 3 February 2024, 18:58
Daniel kirjailija
Thank you very much Marius and Thomas!
 4 February 2024, 16:54
it certainly looks amazing
 4 February 2024, 17:03
Rui S
Great as always 👍
 4 February 2024, 17:16
The Hobbyboss/Trumpeter kit is beyond my expectation! I have never expected they had moulded a radar set!
 5 February 2024, 11:46
Daniel kirjailija
Thanks a lot gents!🙏
The kit was also beyond my expectations, I really enjoyed it. It inherited a few mistakes/weaknesses from the Trumpeter big scale hornet but easy to correct. But they also corrected several mistakes from the big Hornet. (AIM-9X still directly into the bin though) Most annoying were sink marks on the exhaust petals where I had to sand&polish A LOT. Next time aftermarket there.
Does it beat the meng? All in all close but no. But if you want a hornet with some doors/radome open and have a spare seat, spare ordnance and maybe get some aftermarket cans I would choose this one. Also over here it's still cheaper with some AM added than the Meng.
 7 February 2024, 10:40
 1 April 2024, 21:21
Daniel kirjailija
Thanks Capt! 🙂
 4 April 2024, 09:44
Lovely work indeed! 👏😍
 19 March, 22:07

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