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76 7 February 2024, 10:08
Robert Podkoński
Taking a seat, of course!
 19 February 2024, 13:03
Jennifer Franklin
Me too
 19 February 2024, 13:07
Good luck with this. It looks like you'll need it. 😉
 19 February 2024, 16:18
Neil kirjailija
Welcome Robert, Jennifer and Gorby, very pleased to have your interest 🙂 your definitely right there @gorby. I mean I'm used to building 'duff' old kits, but this kit is duffer than the duffest thing ever made by the worlds duffest person! If that makes sense! Hahaha 🤣🤣
 20 February 2024, 00:42
Nathan Dempsey
With all the faith within me I summon blessings upon you in this build Neil. This one makes AA Models look like Hasegawa. With that said I felt a great sense of accomplishment upon finishing mine ( something I rarely feel).
 20 February 2024, 01:52
it takes courage to even start such a great quality model.... but you are certainly getting good result out of it, looking forward the end result
 20 February 2024, 03:15
Two beauties connected 👍
 22 February 2024, 11:59
Neil kirjailija
Welcome! Thanks very much for all your encouraging words mates. You talented bunch are all very kind to show interest in my efforts with such a humble kit. It's definitely fighting me! I've got it a bit further along now, will add some imagery soon - we're at the primer, sand, prime, sand stage. Hahaha!
 1 March 2024, 09:23
Nathan Dempsey
Coming together quite nicely. Bringing back the memories 🙂
 1 March 2024, 14:35
Neil kirjailija
Cheers Nathan 😎
 7 March 2024, 17:19
Thanks for wrestling with this beast of a kit so I don't have to. 👍 Looking good so far with lots of your elbow grease.
 7 March 2024, 21:56
Neil kirjailija
Cheers mate! 🙂 Thanks for your encouragement. I'll continue the battle on this one 👍
 18 March 2024, 19:53
Neil kirjailija
I'm used to building old kits that need 'help'. But this one needs a bit more than usual. After a lot of pre-paint priming filling/scraping/hacking/filing/sanding work and then more post primer fiddling, it's beginning to take shape somewhat. I couldn't resist giving it a blast of aluminium lightly on the wings last night! 😉 👍
 10 May 2024, 13:12
Remarkable perseverance and patience Neil. Most people would have given up on it by now.
 10 May 2024, 14:16
Neil kirjailija
Hi Gorby 👍 Thanks mate! Yeah, I'll get it into some kind of Mustang shape hopefully.
 10 May 2024, 19:17
Thomas Bischoff
I for sure would have given up!
a lot of work but the result is convincing 👍
 11 May 2024, 06:44
Mike Montgomery
Is it weird that I could feel your pain, just by looking at the photos of your build?
 11 May 2024, 11:36
Neil kirjailija
Hi Thomas 🙂 yeah, it's tried my patience that's for sure. Thanks for your words of encouragement though mate, really appreciated 👍 I'll get there. At the end of the day, if it looks (a bit) like a Mustang then it is a Mustang!! Obviously it's no Hasegawa! @mike, hehehe. Yeah I've kept my language polite, but not surprised my pain was still apparent! 🤣 Thanks for dropping by 👍
 11 May 2024, 12:39
Nathan Dempsey
Lovely work Neil. Can't wait to see the next steps.
 14 May 2024, 02:22
Neil kirjailija
Thanks Nathan - I know you 'appreciate' this kit journey also! I'm really not sure that a stars and stripes aluminium scheme is gonna be the easiest finish to help hide imperfections of this kit either. But I'll do my best 👍
 15 May 2024, 12:16
Patryk S.
Following! Watching your builds of those older kits is something I can never get enough of because of the quality of your builds and the nostalgia factor. Big Respect from my side. Greetings, Patryk.
 15 May 2024, 12:57
Neil kirjailija
Hi Patryk 🙂 Thanks mate! That means a lot. It's true that more often than not, it's a bit of a slog to get these oldies into shape. It's often tempting to bin one, hahaha 🤣 Especially when I look on the feed and see all these wonderful new kits which seem to (nearly always) fit in such an accomplished manner. But I rather masochisticaly choose to continue! Who knows why!? You're very kind, especially as I'm aware of your own skills. Greetings back atcha matey 😎👍
1  15 May 2024, 20:27
Looks like you're winning the battle Neil. Remarkable work!
 27 June 2024, 06:24
Nathan Dempsey
Holy moly Neil, that's looking great!
 27 June 2024, 17:15
Neil kirjailija
Hi mates. Thanks very much for checking in again and your encouraging words, hope you're both well 🙂 👍 Your feedback is most gratefully received and buoys me up to continue attacking this dastardly duo! POW! BANG! KAPOW! 👍 😉
 28 June 2024, 09:35
Great progress, keep up the good work!👍🏻
 28 June 2024, 19:38
Neil kirjailija
Cheers mate 👍
 29 June 2024, 10:24
Guy Rump
Looking good, following. 👍
 5 July 2024, 17:24
Neil kirjailija
Cheers Guy 👍🙂
 6 July 2024, 14:42
It'a always a joy seeing someone transform an older, ill-fitting kit into a work of art. following!
 6 July 2024, 15:20
Mr D
It's a good metal finish 👍👌
 6 July 2024, 16:31
Neil kirjailija
Hiya CaptGPF 👍 you're extremely kind to me, I'm trying to drag this kit into something respectable, it's not the best kit (understatement!) But it is a stunningly beautiful airframe and surprisingly large too! Thanks for your compliment 🙏

@Mr D thanks very much for your message also, I've built a few metallic finish aircraft of late, with each build my ability to add shade and depth to a metal finish is improving, though a long way from great! 👍

Thanks also for the likes to all who've dropped by too 🙂 I've parked it for a few days again to let everything cure. But more pics again soon 👍
 6 July 2024, 22:59
Mr D
See what you mean, the canopy is 1:46 scale 🤣, lve often had to re-make parts from old spru's n use super glue-gel to build up poorly moulded parts. It's not good but part of modeling l think.
Looking good 👌
 7 July 2024, 08:42
Neil kirjailija
I'm beating it into shape - slowly! Handful of recent pics added. Thanks for the likes all too 🙂 👍
 28 August 2024, 16:03
Mr D
Very good 💯.. Nice job done, l like the build process uploads , it's good to learn tips n techniques.
Brilliant 👍👍👍
 28 August 2024, 17:37
Neil kirjailija
Hi Mr D, thanks very much, you're very kind. 🙂 👍
 29 August 2024, 10:49
Guy Rump
Looking great, following. 👍
 8 October 2024, 15:36
Neil kirjailija
Thanks very much Guy. You're very kind and most welcome here. It's definitely not the easiest kit I've ever undertaken and it's taking some time to build because of that. But I hope (slowly) it's beginning to look (somewhat) like a twin Mustang! Such a cool looking aircraft! 😎
 8 October 2024, 20:12
Very nice progress and it's already almost painted!👍 btw interesting way of using cable ties for squeezing big parts together. I hope ypu have heard about releasable cable ties:
 8 October 2024, 21:11
Neil kirjailija
Thanks very much mate, yes getting there but by bit, slow and steady. Appreciate your comment... Interesting info on reusable cable ties, that's a good shout. I'm still working my way through my original stash, but your suggestion makes perfect sense for my next purchase when needed 👍
 8 October 2024, 23:54
Ben M
Nifty trick with the zip ties!
 9 October 2024, 02:07
Neil kirjailija
Cheers Ben M! And thanks to those who've liked also 👍
 9 October 2024, 09:41
Rui S
Looking good 👍 I'm in 😎
 12 November 2024, 21:55
Neil kirjailija
Hello Rui 🙂 Welcome mate, really nice to have your interest in this 'dodgy' old kit I'm attacking! 🙂 thanks also to those who've liked 👍
 13 November 2024, 11:37
Robin (WhiteGlint)
That metal finish looks very nice. 👍
1  13 November 2024, 12:02
Neil kirjailija
Thanks very much Robin mate. Very kind of you 😊
 13 November 2024, 20:37
Looks really nice and unusual 👍
Have you installed an on-board telephone, given the distance between the pilots?
1  3 March, 17:15
Nathan Dempsey
Each time this build comes up in the feed it looks better and better.
1  4 March, 15:30
Neil kirjailija
Hi mates! 👋 @bughunter, haha, yes you're right! I should indeed, the distance is so great between them, they likely have different postcodes! Thanks for your comment 🙂👍 and also to you too @nathan you're very kind. I know you appreciate this kit manufacturer's 'pitfalls', and that's putting it mildly! I've actually finished this one, so reveal pictures coming soon..... 👍
 7 March, 22:15

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