Kierre aloitti Vincent Guitars

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28 16 February 2024, 22:17

Do you have a resin 3D printer? How are you doing all this detailing? Looks amazing, could be real it's so good.
16 February 2024, 22:31

Nope, no resin printer.
All hand made old-school style.
16 February 2024, 22:38

1:6? That´s a statement! You made excellent use of the big scale. Impressive scratchbuilding with all kinds of material. Very convincing color variation on the canisters. Maybe a bit more wear on the weapons maybe? The Jeep looks just perfect from every perspective. Just eye candy.
17 February 2024, 10:13

Eres el dios del scracht.... Virgen Santa.... Perdona que conteste en español... Pero es que me has dejado sin aliento... Que envidia sana me da ver trabajos de este nivel.... Gracias por compartirlo!!!!
17 February 2024, 10:46

I can only echo what others have already said. Just stunning realistic work. I feel like I'm stood there, awesome! 👍😎
17 February 2024, 10:49

Thanx! The boys really took care of their weapons Michael....;)
17 February 2024, 11:33

It's not my subject, but your response seems reasonable to me! Haha 😆 Maybe that's why they took the photo! 😁 They'd just cleaned weaponry... It does look like a photo of the real thing to me 👍👍
17 February 2024, 11:37

I think you are tricking us with a real one and Photoshopped the hell out of it......., because those metal boxes are real for sure! 👍👍
17 February 2024, 16:45

The best model I have ever seen. I refused to believe it was a model until I saw the bench pictures. How many years did this take? The level of detail is outstanding but the paint and weathering is breathtakingly good.
5 September 2024, 23:30

Holy cow, redefining the term „realism" ! Simply jawdropping….
6 September 2024, 19:50