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Kierre aloitti skyhowk

Denis Bugakov
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
56 23 February 2024, 20:06
Ethan Flory
Looking very good!
 11 April 2024, 19:55
Tim Lingle
Hi Denis, I'm not sure why but I've always loved the Gannet and I think yours is such an inspiration building. If you don't mind me asking, about how many hours do you think you've put into building the kit and how would you rate the overall fit?

 18 April 2024, 18:35
Denis Bugakov kirjailija
Greetings, Tim. The model evokes a twofold feeling. On the one hand, everything fits together well and there is practically no need to adjust the details, the wings, stabilizers and interior details are perfectly designed and fall into place perfectly. But there is a slight disappointment. The rivet is slightly swollen, a gap forms at the junction of the wing and stabilizer and it is desirable to remove it. The set includes two wings in the assembled and disassembled position, so you do not need to cut and adjust anything. In general, the model is pleasant, but very heavy at the exit, since almost 100 grams of cargo must be put in the nose so that the model does not sit on the ass.
 21 April 2024, 12:07
George Williams
Such a good looking plane.
 11 May 2024, 14:43
Eric Thornton
100 grams, ok adding this to my notes. Looking great!
 13 May 2024, 18:44
Stephan Fässler
Masterpiece, well done.
Did you use lacquer paint with acrylic washes on this model?
 10 July 2024, 11:29
Zbynek Honzik
 11 July 2024, 05:56
Gary Victory
Really nice build and finish Denis. Great job Sir on a British classic.
 11 July 2024, 07:35
playtime 222
Uniquely ugly 😄
 11 July 2024, 09:10

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