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Kierre aloitti SMey

Sebastian Meyner
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78 13 March 2024, 19:33
Matti Thomaes
Nice job on the cockpit
 13 March 2024, 20:44
Marcin Terlikowski
Great start...
 13 March 2024, 21:26
Rui S
I'm in 😎
 13 March 2024, 21:35
Daniel Klink
Fantastic details Mate..I'm in!
 13 March 2024, 22:24
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
Thanks mates, much appreciated 🙂
 14 March 2024, 08:01
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
Yesterday I was able to close up the fuselage, attach the wings and to sand some seam lines. Quality control was done by one of our lapdogs, a 41kg lump of love called Zwieback (picture no.6). Once I'm not airbrushing, she's hanging out in my man cave with me. I always appreciated the company, girl 😜
 15 March 2024, 07:12
Lovely work so far, but even lovelier dog. We have a 31kg lapdog and we thought that was taking it to the extreme. 🙂
 15 March 2024, 14:45
Agreed - if the cockpit looks this good, want to see how the rest comes out!
 15 March 2024, 15:06
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
@gorby: Thanks mate 👍 Our second dog (which we refer to as the "little one"....) is about 30kg 🤪

@CaptGPF: Thanks mate, stick around to see the rest....eventhough I am abysmally slow when it comes to finishing a build 😉
 15 March 2024, 16:20
Rui S
Love to your beautiful modelling buddy ❤️️ I've one such love too, a 22 kg b&w border collie girl, with 7 years.
 15 March 2024, 23:39
Patrick Hagelstein
Joining in as well! And not only for the dogs… 😉
 15 March 2024, 23:47
Rui S
 15 March 2024, 23:48
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
Thanks RuiS and Patrick! ....come in for the build, stay for the dog 😉
 17 March 2024, 07:55
Patrick Hagelstein
 17 March 2024, 08:40
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
So; the general assembly is done. Now comes the paint job and my "favorite" part, the landing gear and all the little bits and bobs. But, hey it's Tamiya.... a walk in the park with some spray painting. Yes, I'm a Tamiya fan boy 😁
 17 March 2024, 19:36
❤️ slide #6 - we need more canine helpers in this group!

I can't blame Tamiya fanboys, a hobby is supposed to be fun and enjoyable. I've seen many skilled modelers in this forum turn gold out of crappy, Ill-fitting and poorly detailed kits, but not many of us find challenges that enjoyable. 😀
 18 March 2024, 15:28
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
After a little break, I got the Jug primed, spay painted the ID stripes and masked them. Ready for the camouflage!
 2 April 2024, 06:50
Patrick Hagelstein
Looks promising!
 2 April 2024, 17:24
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
Thank you Patrick 👍
I'm currently working on the camouflage. By Thursday I should something to show for 😎
 2 April 2024, 19:04
Looking good, Sebastian! Your taste in model subjects is pretty close to mine. That reminds me, I need to add an TBM Avenger to the stash.... 🤔
 4 April 2024, 17:31
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
Thanks John, much appreciated mate! It seems so….however, I'm usually not so much into american subjects 😉
 4 April 2024, 19:47
Patrick Hagelstein
Good thing this is a British subject then. 😉
 5 April 2024, 07:45
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
😉 👍
 5 April 2024, 09:32
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
Today I applied the few decals that come with the paint scheme…. and of course I managed to tare one :-/ I guess I'll fix that after the decals have dried, with some careful brush painting
 7 April 2024, 19:16
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
I decided that I will not over weather this one. My convenient "excuse" is that this Jug flew with the RAF until about one year after WW II ended, so I concluded that this bird would be well looked after and frequently cleaned by its crew 😉 So a pin wash is all she got for now.
 12 April 2024, 19:00
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
This build is slowly coming to an end… Once the propeller and the canopy are painted and weathered it should be all done by the end of this week
 14 April 2024, 18:57
Christoph Schnarr
Clean build, very nice 👍
 15 April 2024, 09:50
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
Danke Dir, Christoph 🙂
 15 April 2024, 14:03
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
I'm calling it done. Very straightforward and enjoyable build, as one expects from Taniya :-D The only alterations to the basic kit were: the instrument panel (Yahu), the seat belts (eduard) and the decals of course (Xtradecals). The 75 gallon drop tank under the Fuselage comes from the spares box and was slightlymodified to attache to unused bomb shackles. Cheers mates ✌️
 19 April 2024, 20:11
Beautiful result! It looks really good in this scheme.
 20 April 2024, 06:38
Same as gorby. 👍👍
 20 April 2024, 08:41
Fantastic work, agree with above 👍
 20 April 2024, 09:56
Christoph Schnarr
Wonderful Thunderbolt in a different but still very attractive camouflage scheme 👍
 20 April 2024, 13:08
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
gorby, Neuling, Neil and Christoph; thank you very much for the kind comments, mates 👍

I have to agree, British/Commonwealth paint schemes make american planes much prettier 😜 All jokes aside, I really like to go with the more uncommon users of a type, than to replicate yet another "ace plane".... glad you like it!
 20 April 2024, 14:12

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