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Kierre aloitti ZHOU Kun

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55 4 April 2024, 04:34
Outstanding 🤩
 4 April 2024, 06:01
Gary Victory
Very nice build and finish ZHOU. Fantastic job.
 4 April 2024, 06:22
Guy Rump
Lovely build and presentation. 👍
 4 April 2024, 07:53
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Amazing! The final photos are great. Really feels like you did some planespotting 👍
 4 April 2024, 09:20
Wow! Think for me it's the first time seeing this kit built and finished and it's absolutely epic!! Big congrats for this result👏
Agree with Robin, Pic7 is my favorite, just perfect with lighting and background 👍did you saw off the brass rod and replace it?
 4 April 2024, 09:37
ZHOU Kun kirjailija
@Christian @Gary Victory @Guy Rump thank you for your kind words!

@Robin (WhiteGlint) I have waited until my new camera lens arrives! The lens worth my money🙂

@Daniel Finally I have time to take entire set of photos of this model. I have replaced those photos with new ones. I prepared two set of supporting tubes, one short steel tube and one acrylic rod with a 3mm diameter short steel tube on the top. 3mm tubes are easier to work on if you want to saw it.
 10 April 2024, 05:10
Excellent work. On many photos it looks like the real thing.
 2 May 2024, 07:48
Mr James
Fantastic photos. The build is expertly done and beautifully painted
 2 May 2024, 08:41
I agree with all above. This looks unbelievably realistic! If that supporting rod was re-touched from the teaser image then it would be impossible to tell that you're looking at a model. Just awesome work.
 2 May 2024, 08:47
ZHOU Kun kirjailija
@Neuling @Mr James @Neil
Thank you all! I think my new camera did that miracle. Longer focus range make the photos like real aircraft spotting
 2 May 2024, 12:50
Dave Smith
I had to look twice to check it wasn't real . superb work my friend.
 3 May 2024, 14:43
ZHOU Kun kirjailija
@Dave Smith thank you!
 16 May 2024, 01:56

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