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Kierre aloitti bughunter

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22 kuvien
Work in Progress of a Junkers F-13View album, image #21
The kit part has only the big instruments so I added some HGW frames. Also no instrument decals provided. I used the ver...
projekti: Junkers F-13
1:48 Junkers F-13 (MikroMir 48-021)No Universal cockpit dials (White) 0,8 mm - 2,40 mm (ANYZ AN051)1:48 WW1 Instrument Bezels (HGW Models 148012)
54 10 April 2024, 17:15
Marcel Klemmer
You're leaving your WW1 path...I'm in 👍
 10 April 2024, 17:27
bughunter kirjailija
Welcome Marcel!
I'm not really leave the WWI path. I built the Junkers D.I already, a type from 1918. This F-13 was build one year later and I was fascinated by pictures of the internal structures - the principles are nearly identical.
After I noticed the kit with the nice box art (painted by Eugeny Knupfer - the guy behind Small Stuff) on the EME for a fair price I had to take it.
The box is somehow big, so I need to build it to save space 😉 Another reason to start it was a chat with Christoph, because he had trouble with the undercarrige in his build. So I spend today some hours for a new undercarriage.
 10 April 2024, 17:37
Jakub Fiala
Fabulous start! I´m in.
 10 April 2024, 17:57
Robert Podkoński
Watching with pleasure, of course!
 10 April 2024, 18:28
David Taylor
Back in"again".
 10 April 2024, 18:37
Ethan Flory
Looking great!
 10 April 2024, 18:57
Nice metalwork!
Looks like an interesting project.
 10 April 2024, 18:57
Sebastian Meyner
Following with great interest 👀
 10 April 2024, 19:05
bughunter kirjailija
Thank you very much for your interest! A warm welcome to each one of you!
I was hoping for a quick project as there are not many parts, but it will take a while due to it's size.
 11 April 2024, 09:50
David Taylor
Hmm,limited run kits.Thats what modelling is about.
 11 April 2024, 14:43
bughunter kirjailija
The fit is different, from perfect to ugly deformed parts. At least the provided masks cut form ORAMASK fits on the cabin windows inside and outside.
 11 April 2024, 20:06
Martin Oostrom
You're missing a few wings!
 11 April 2024, 21:09
 11 April 2024, 21:13
Christoph Kunz
Sorry, I'm late.
Excellent landing gear, as I expected. 👍
 15 April 2024, 13:37
Alec K
Me too, getting in in the back row…
 15 April 2024, 16:00
Michael Kohl
Like it.
 15 April 2024, 18:08
Thomas Bischoff
nice start - count me in 👍
 15 April 2024, 19:07
bughunter kirjailija
A warm welcome mates!
@Martin I will put it aside to the other Junkers Junkers D.I - Short fuselage | Project by bughunter (1:48) so together they have two wings 😉
@Christoph No need to apologise! Your build invited me to look into this type and finally to buy the kit!
 16 April 2024, 15:23
bughunter kirjailija
I want to have a rotating prop as on my other models, so I made a new wooden prop with a little bearing.
Over the time the F-13 used different airscrews and mountings. Wood or later also metal was used.
The kit provides only a airscrew with a clamping aluminium cone but a check of original photos of my marking do not show one (I have not checked the other possible markings). It looks exactly like the one in the Budapest Aviation Museum: [img1]
So I tried to replicate that one.
The airscrew of the F-13 in the "Deutsches Museum" München with a aluminium cone looks beautiful too, but has a different shape and metal leading edge.
 16 April 2024, 16:25
Greg Baker
Man... that propellor looks like butter... so smooth and creamy... 🙂
 16 April 2024, 16:36
Michael Kohl
Fine work on the airscrew
 16 April 2024, 16:49
Ben M
 16 April 2024, 17:56
Love the laminated contrasting wood on those old props. It looks great.
 18 April 2024, 01:59
Giannis Kaltapanidis
Masterclass loading! Definetly in...
 18 April 2024, 06:49
Jose Freire
Another masterpiece coming from your workbench. Taking a seat...
 18 April 2024, 08:07
bughunter kirjailija
Thank very much for your nice comments - highly appreciated!
Now the build is hold for some days, due to the famous Mosonshow. My first visit there. CU!
 18 April 2024, 10:11
bughunter kirjailija
The trend is towards a second air screw so I made another airscrew of a different type. New pictures from 14.
I used the F-13 of the Deutsches Museum as a template, see the great pictures here:
Yesterday I made the airscrew, today the metal parts, final shaping and painting.
This special shape was a bit demading, but I wanted to see if I'm able to replicate it.

@Christoph(Postbote), you will need a 2.4mm drill to open the kit mount for the bearing, and a 3mm for a little recess on the front, And CA of course.
And I need your address. Please send me a Private Message.

I hope you will like this airscrew!
 23 April 2024, 20:11
Ludvík Kružík
I don't have much free time at the moment, but I can't pass this up.
 24 April 2024, 22:27
Desert Marlin
Beautiful prop!!!
 24 April 2024, 23:57
Alec K
New prop looks awesome 👍
 25 April 2024, 11:50
bughunter kirjailija
Thank you mates, I like it too. Now only the new owner of this second propeller needs to pop up ...
 25 April 2024, 19:56
bughunter kirjailija
Not much happened the last days. At least I worked on the instrument panel (not sure what will be visible later).
The dreadful interior design has robbed me of my desire. What is this? Maybe I should have waited for MiniArt.
 30 April 2024, 19:30
Desert Marlin
Carve it out and scratch build. I know it's a lot of work, but once we accept what we are faced with, the journey begins much better! I feel your pain!
 30 April 2024, 19:43
Martin Oostrom
Nice progress Bugsy!
The people that'll sit on the side are from a higher stature and as such are larger than life. Hence the big sofa 😉
 30 April 2024, 21:40
Christoph Kunz
Beautifull instrument panel 👍
Sadly it won't be visible. 🙁
 13 May 2024, 12:24

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