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1/16 JeepView album, image #57
projekti: 1/16 Jeep
1:16 ¼-ton 4×4 G503 MB Utility Truck (Takom TAK1016)
29 15 April 2024, 14:26
Don't get to see many 1/16 kits built so I'll take my seat and follow your build.
 15 April 2024, 14:47
I'll jump in too. I've been watching the 1/16 deluge of armour kits, hitting the market, and it's tickling my juices. Granted, the prices are high, but the details are fabulous and my old eyes, can actually see the parts, and my fat fingers can place them too!
Strapping in for a back seat.
 15 April 2024, 16:16
Michael Kohl
Following too.
 15 April 2024, 18:04
J R kirjailija
thanks all this is my first 1/16 kit and so far I am impressed
 15 April 2024, 19:15
Following, please keep posting
 16 April 2024, 00:00
The details on that engine, are excellent! I've done the Hasagawa 1/25 version, and that was impressive, but this is on another level 👍
 23 April 2024, 16:21
Robert Podkoński
Taking a seat here.
 23 April 2024, 17:18
J R kirjailija
Thank you Bozzer I usually do 1/72 so I am enjoying the detail at 1/16
 24 April 2024, 00:49
J R kirjailija
Tgank you Robert hope you enjoy the ride
 24 April 2024, 00:50
Joining .........
 8 May 2024, 08:43
J R kirjailija
Welcome Neulong
 8 May 2024, 13:10
J R kirjailija
Basic construction complete decals and weathering next
 12 May 2024, 00:05
Robert Podkoński
Looks great already! (Perhaps you will find some inspiration for weathering here: It is a men's world... (Moto Weteran Bazar) | Album by podkon )
 12 May 2024, 07:57
J R kirjailija
Thank you Robert and I much appreciate the link. I think it is a great reference.
 12 May 2024, 15:27
J R kirjailija
Small details added, 50 cal M2 and overall weathering. Will add some stowage and perhaps the figure included in the kit (depends on my limited figure painting ability)
 19 May 2024, 01:27
Robert Podkoński
Looks fantastic! (and I am glad you liked my photos 🙂 )
 19 May 2024, 06:13
An eyecatcher!
 26 May 2024, 08:25
J R kirjailija
Thank you Neuling I admire your work
 26 May 2024, 12:45
J R kirjailija
Replaced the 50 Cal with a 30 cal and stowage finish the build. Very happy building at this scale
 26 May 2024, 15:16
santa fe tanker
Super cool job, I'm going to do the workable steering and then going to prime, struggling because been 50 years since doing this so 1/16 is bueno. thanks for sharing
 1 August 2024, 23:40
Wonderful weathering on seats and equipage. (And the rest is great too 🙂 )
 2 August 2024, 00:44
J R kirjailija
Thanks Santa Fe I enjoyed the larger scale as well, read a review that the plastic parts for the steering were not up to the strain as working parts I hope it works out for you. Thank as well Lost, I liked beating it up bit.
 2 August 2024, 01:42
Danumurthi Mahendra
The cargo makes it more alive. Nice!
 2 August 2024, 03:14
J R kirjailija
Thanks Danumurthi, I bought the Andy Hobbies stowage set for the cargo
 2 August 2024, 03:32

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