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Sebastian Meyner
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14 kuvien
wipView album, image #7
1:48 MiG 15 bis (Tamiya 61080)1:48 MiG-15bis (Eduard FE159)1:48 MiG-15 & MiG-15bis - Gun barrels set, Antenna base & Pitot tube (Master AM-48-089)5+
19 29 May 2024, 17:45
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
When I was going through my stash to find my next project, two things were certain: 1. no Tamiya kit and 2. no mainstream type of plane/vehicle.... Well and that's the result 🤪 I'm building Tamiya's classic Mig-15bis 😎 Not the most accurate representation of the type but easy to build and some room for improvement. That's good enough for me. I'll throw in bits and bobs from different aftermarket sets as well.
 29 May 2024, 18:01
Djordje Nikolic
I built a Vietnamese version about 10 years ago with open engine. Lovely kit! Looking forward to seeing what you do.
 2 June 2024, 17:45
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
Welcome Djordje 🙂 It's a lovely little kit indeed, isn't it. Today I closed up the front fuselage. I was so anxious to see how everything goes together, that I forgot to give the cockpit tub a weathering wash. Well I guess I'll have to apply some weathering through the cockpit opening…
 2 June 2024, 19:14
Djordje Nikolic
I've done similar things 🙂
 3 June 2024, 01:46
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
👍 😀
 3 June 2024, 02:29
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
Tamiya's classic MiG-15bis is nearing its completion. I just installed some brass parts from Master Models, replacing the pitot tube, antenna mounting and the gun barrels. I find a worthwhile improvement with very little effort, for a rather lazy modeller such as myself 😉 I also filled some gabs...caused by my own neglect rather than the kit itself. Should start painting this little beauty within the next couple of days. Stay tuned ✌🏻
 4 June 2024, 19:07
Djordje Nikolic
Cannons look good. Got to love the brass tubes. I still have some afer 10 years use.
 5 June 2024, 04:23
Maciej Bellos
 5 June 2024, 07:40
taking a sit, I hope it is still on the bench !
 9 February, 13:46
Guy Rump
Looking good, following. 👍
 9 February, 15:52
Sebastian Meyner kirjailija
Thanks for your interest, mates 🙂 ....but don't hold your breath. Right now I (well, the whole family...) am preparing to pack up and move "house" once more. So I'm afraid this project will be on halt for a while.
 12 February, 10:01

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