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Greg Baker
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
23 4 June 2024, 16:19
Greg Baker kirjailija
I decided to branch out on my Tintin collection to include small... appetizer projects. The Blue Lotus is my favourite Tintin album, so this one seemed like a no-brainer. I decided to stick to my theme of using images from the interior panels and not the cover. Not much to show from a build perspective. All designed in 3D and printed out. The trickiest part was trying to re-produce the decal to go around the vase. I had to use images from several sources/perspectives and manipulate them into one unified image. Luckily 1/72 scale can be a bit forgiving. 😉

If you want any more information, check out my blog page -
 4 June 2024, 16:24
Greg Baker kirjailija
I just noticed looking at the pics that Tintin has one black eye - I might need to heal that...
 4 June 2024, 16:30
Matthew A
Great work on producing the decals. I'd forgotten what the vase looked like and thought you had bought one
 7 June 2024, 17:08
Greg Baker kirjailija
That decal took a lot of photoshop skills to re-create. Stitching together several random pics off the internet, with different light sources drove me crazy. I was also worried that it wouldn't wrap properly around the geometry, but I cut the decal as close as I dared to the artwork, and low and behold, it basically went on on the first try. Phew!
 7 June 2024, 19:08
Robert Podkoński
 7 June 2024, 19:35
wow, excellent !
 7 June 2024, 20:27
Greg Baker kirjailija
Updated my final pics. Nothing much changed, but I couldn't stand the "Tintin with one black eye" look. So I carefully re-did his eyes so that they're now the same size.
 11 June 2024, 14:42

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