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Kierre aloitti ayovtshev

Angel Yovtshev
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
14 20 June 2024, 15:39
Michael Kohl
You think we wouldn't notice if a wee bit of finest scratch building is thrown at us? But we do! 😉
 21 June 2024, 18:35
Angel Yovtshev kirjailija
Thanks, Michael!

All hope the M-2 will go unnoticed is abandoned!
 22 June 2024, 05:55
Bogicevic Vladimir
You are getting better and better. Fantastic work Angel.
 22 June 2024, 06:15
Angel Yovtshev kirjailija
Thanks Bogi!

I hope you and yours are in the best shape and mood!

 22 June 2024, 06:54
Fantastic scratch work!
 22 June 2024, 07:29
Looking forward .............
 22 June 2024, 07:55
Angel Yovtshev kirjailija
Thanks gorby and Neuling.

The M-2 is ready, bar the final weathering steps.
These will be carried out once the AAG is ready, painted and oil-weathered.
In other words-soon,

 24 June 2024, 11:16
Alec K
Another outstanding scratch building effort Angel. Just superb 👍👍👍
 24 June 2024, 12:56
Angel Yovtshev kirjailija
Thanks Alec K!
Glad you liked my little project,

 25 June 2024, 13:56

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