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48 3 July 2024, 10:19

Thank you guys, if all the planets align, she'll be in her colours by the end of the week, just before I head out for holidays.
15 July 2024, 11:00

I got Gabreski's mount so I got to watch this one. Excellent work Sebastijan! Just a question, how come the cockpit interior is painted in AOTAKI green (japanese interior colour)?
19 July 2024, 09:59

Nice modeling stand where did you get it from? and great job on the P-47!!
19 July 2024, 15:48

Thank you everyone!
@Maciej it's not AOTAKE but Interior Bronze Green. By doing the research I noticed they were painted in various green shades, IBB being one of the common ones. PM me for photos if interested,
@Frank jig is from Vertigo Miniatures from Slovakia.
24 July 2024, 14:30

Thanks for the info, love the realistic invasion stripes (you may want to soften the sharp white edge at the wing root side, just a suggestion). I will have to be brave and do it that way on my next model that has them.
20 August 2024, 15:11

Thank you, Frank. Yeah, they're not done yet so the outer edges will come as well... as will the slight overpaint of the roundels
20 August 2024, 19:58

So many people are afraid to feather the edges of the invasion stripes, they used all kinds of things to put them on during the war, brushes, rollers, mops, and sprayers. they very rarely had a clean straight edge. People just don't want the model to look like they can't paint worth a darn because the stripes are not straight.
Keep up the great work.
20 August 2024, 22:04

@Frank yeah, I know. This is actually my first ever model with invasion stripes and I wanted to recreate just that - I was thinking on how to do this not to look to exaggerated in 1:72 scale and I got an idea to use watercolour pencils - and I really like the effect as they are just enough to make a feathered uneven look. Also I have put the model into the first days of the invasion, so that's why a weathered aircraft but relatively clean invasion stripes.
21 August 2024, 06:14