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78 5 July 2024, 07:59

Me 3, I have to see that! Still procrastinating mine 😄
Thomas, are you considering getting rid of the decal with my support perhaps? 😉
26 July 2024, 20:14

Łukasz, I am not going to use the provided decal sheet, so if you want it, just PM me with your address and I can post it.
26 July 2024, 21:48

(And for everybody else with knowledge about the different versions of the Yak-12, yes, I am aware of the differences between the A-version in the kit and the R-version used by the Hungarian People's Army. But since I am not able to scratch build the entire wing and empennage structure, let's just call it artistic license.)
28 July 2024, 11:08

Thank you very much, dear gentlemen for your attention and encouraging words!
31 July 2024, 14:48

Admiring your skills, and learning from your problem-solving, Thomas. Transforming an A-Model kit adds to the challenges 😉
4 August 2024, 15:36

Thank you Michael, Nicolas & Bruce for your interest and compliments! This kit is actually not quite as bad as some other Amodel kits I have built - the designers have created some pretty nifty solutions here! If anything, it is a bit unforgiving - make one small mistake and you can be sure that it will keep coming back to kick you.
5 August 2024, 20:35

Wunderbarer Modellbau. Ich hab das Modell auch noch liegen und genauso wollte ich es auch machen. Mal sehen, wenn ich groß bin. 😉
9 August 2024, 16:24

Bernhard, danke schön! 🙂 Ja, es ist ein ziemlich kniffliges Modell, aber es macht großen Spaß, es zu bauen!
9 August 2024, 17:17

Yes Thomas, I don't think you get any easy builds from Amodel. But with some work you get a nice and rare model. I realy like your progress. 👍
9 August 2024, 19:22

Bruce, Lukasz, Cuajete, Nicolas, thank you! Yes, Amodel is actually cool in that they take a chance to make models outside the ordinary. Who else would design a model kit of a strange and ugly little high-winged Soviet aircraft instead of another Stuka, Tomcat or a Spitfire?
10 August 2024, 08:01

Wow, what a beautiful an clean build! Inspiring and masterly!
10 August 2024, 17:39

Roland thank you mate! Cuajete, yes, this is the best gloss coat I have ever tried. It levels out to an absolute mirror shine (at least if it is applied to a perfectly smooth paint layer). This model ended up with a bit of orange peel effect at some places, so it is not absolutely perfect, but I can get away with it.
10 August 2024, 18:54

Hereby I declare the project finished! Quite a fast progress for me, only three weeks from start to finish. It may not be the best model I have ever built - there are too many silly or clumsy mistakes here and there - but it was great fun! More photos will come!
12 August 2024, 07:50

That escalated quickly and nicely 👍
Where did you get the snow from in August? I know it's up north, but still... 😉
12 August 2024, 08:13

The short-run-kit looks really difficult to work with, but you have mastered it. Top model!
13 August 2024, 08:14

Dear modeler mates, thank you for your compliments! I sure appreciate your kindness!
13 August 2024, 14:25

Wer braucht den andere Hersteller, wenn es Amodel gibt! Einfach das Beste aus dem Bausatz gemacht, was möglich ist. 🙂
23 August 2024, 15:10

Bernhard, es ist eine Herausforderung, aber genau das macht den Spaß aus!
23 August 2024, 15:21

Thomas I just watched your video on this build. You did a really outstanding job.
2 December 2024, 22:23

Wonderful work - and the comments are really helpful and interesting.
2 December 2024, 22:49

Skyhiker & Simon, thank you! Yes, it took some time to fix the video, I am a bit lazy with that.
4 December 2024, 12:18