Kierre aloitti gorby

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Don’t get the hump - The Bedford Dromedary
To give you an idea of the size.
Everything other than the cab and the tractor chassis is scratch-built.
projekti: Bedford Dromedary.
38 13 July 2024, 13:59

Thanks for taking an interest Alec. I should get this completed very soon. 👍
15 July 2024, 06:14

Thanks Philippe. I hope to get the next update done later today. 👍
16 July 2024, 11:27

New photos start at number 10.
This may give the impression that I've completed this in a couple of's been nearer two months. Although the build is complete this update doesn't take us to the end of the build process.
Thanks for having a look. 🙂
16 July 2024, 15:40

Thanks Alec. I've tried cast parts in resin before and it wasn't very successful, this time I used silicon as the mould and that made all the difference. It's really easy with silicon. 🙂
17 July 2024, 07:06

Holy moly - what a nice little model! Great work so far 👍 Sorry, I was not in the mood to follow all the nice builds here, so I discovered it lately.
And thank you very much for mention me in the album info 😉
18 July 2024, 06:52

No problem mate, I have times I'm not in the mood to comment, quite often really as I'm a grumpy old git. 😄
I hope to get the final photos posted at the weekend, it's finally stopped raining here so busy doing other jobs at the moment. 🙂
18 July 2024, 11:13

Finally got around to taking some photos of this ridiculous beast, thanks you all for following the build. 🙂
20 July 2024, 14:57

Thanks David. 👍
Thanks Neuling, although you're mistaking me for a proper modeller if you expect a dio. 😄 😄
I have to be in the right mood to to do a dio and at the moment I just feel like building models. 🙂
21 July 2024, 06:48

Wow, very impressive and excellent work with a lot of scratchbuilt parts - love it 👍
21 July 2024, 13:54

Thanks very much Christian. Apparently the drivers didn't love them because they were sooooo slow. 🙂
21 July 2024, 14:00

But they looked so cool. Well more a slow rider than a low rider 😄
21 July 2024, 14:10

A small piece of tarpaulin over the first bows would make it even more interesting.
No, it was a joke 🙂 Nice model of a vehicle with British style.
22 July 2024, 17:52

Thanks for CaptGPF for poiting out the scrstch building. I would have completely missed it and thus a very enjoyable build report.
One of those builds that would have looked really good without paint too.
I got stuck with my QLD over the humps as I did not manage to shape them identically. Your idea with the jig might breath in some life into that build again. Thanks for that too.
22 July 2024, 18:35

Thanks very much matiepoos! 🙂
Buggy, I'll let you in on a secret just as long as you don't tell aaanyone else....I just got fed up with working out how I was going to put the tarp on the back and do the lacing onto the tie-downs. Therefore I decreed that it was nice day and they wanted to have the roof down. 😄 😄
Michael: I managed to confuse some others on a different forum about how much of this was scratch-built. Confusion seems to be my natural state and maybe I'm infecting everyone else. 😄
Spanjaard: I've even surprised myself with this one. Am I finally getting the hang of this modelling lark....then I see Frank's work and think how much further I have to go. 🙂
Thanks again everyone for you nice comments and to anyone who has clicked on 'Like'. 🙂
23 July 2024, 08:03

Thank you very much for the trust you have placed in me, gorby! Of course I won't pass on this secret, but will take it to my grave.
23 July 2024, 16:21

😄 😄 I knew I could rely on you Bugs. 😉
Thanks very much Rui, glad you like it. 🙂
24 July 2024, 06:06

I look at your works Gorbi and I am impressed! O_o Bravo and thank you again for your comment on my dio… Coming from you, it gives me confidence! 🙂
25 July 2024, 09:11

Thanks Philippe! I haven't the confidence to do a diorama with water - particularly as a first dio, so you're one ahead of me. 😉
25 July 2024, 10:00