Kierre aloitti ST1991

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48 15 July 2024, 22:36

This is bloody marvellous! Hats off to you, Simon, for such an inspired idea and excellent execution of the subject. You can almost hear that gull calling....
16 July 2024, 06:48

fully agree with all of he above. splendid. I love how you combined the figures to keep the steel wire in place
10 August 2024, 21:19

Amazingly done diorama! Beautiful painteork and stunning presentation!
11 August 2024, 06:16

What else could be said about the model, idea, and photos... Chapeau bas!
11 August 2024, 06:18

Very nice indeed 👍🏻
Nice model, well set scene and nice and atmospheric photography.
11 August 2024, 09:01

Superb observation of so much subtle detail, perfectly executed. Loving the moody images too 🙂
11 August 2024, 09:02