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14 20 July 2024, 18:09
Nicolas kirjailija
I used the good wether today to work on the smaler parts for the Fallout diorama again. The most figures don't fit OOB, so are modified or combinations from different figures from the (up to now 4) figure sets.
 20 July 2024, 18:28
Nicolas kirjailija
Today I started assembling the next 3 figures, including one complete scratch build. I've never done that before, so I'm exited if it works at all.
 27 July 2024, 19:16
Ben M
Very creative
 27 July 2024, 19:24
 28 July 2024, 00:03
Nicolas kirjailija
Welcome, grab chairs.
Thanks Ben.
 28 July 2024, 05:21
Nicolas kirjailija
Today I fitted the Rider to the motorcycle. The other figures just recived a little bit of putty.
 28 July 2024, 18:14
Christoph Kunz
Nice 👍
 28 July 2024, 21:14
Bruce Huxtable
Impressive work 🙂
 28 July 2024, 21:24
Nicolas kirjailija
Thanks guys.
 29 July 2024, 04:31
Nicolas kirjailija
I fixed the figures to corks and primed them with Revell 008 Black. Now I can see some small mistakes wich require some attention. The camera dosn't show that to well.
 3 August 2024, 19:24
Erik Off
Very cool, even with Brahmins. 👍 😎
 4 August 2024, 10:20
Shar Dipree
Watching. will you also open a photo album for the entire project?

 4 August 2024, 10:42
Nicolas kirjailija
Hi Erik and Shar, welcome.
@Shar: At the moment I'm thinking about adding 2 more albums, one for infrastructure & buildings and one for the base witch would than include the entire project. For me, this makes the most sense, as I also proceed in the same way when building. The finished figures then go into the display case until I need them in the building or on vehicles, which are then back in the display case until the base is finished. As I use the albums here to keep an overview over the project I find everything faster.
 4 August 2024, 10:56
Nicolas kirjailija
In the last week I reworked the seams & the details (1 or 2 figures a day) primed it yesterday Black (Revell Emaile 08) and added some White (Revell 04) ftom above to help with shadows & light.
 11 August 2024, 07:06
Nicolas kirjailija
I worked today for nearly 5 h on basic painting of the clothes. As I will probably not use the girl with the crossbow I want to try some things here, but wasn't motivated in the end. Next weekend I want to start with the skin.
 11 August 2024, 18:28
Nicolas kirjailija
I started working on the skin this weekend. Due to the dark base the coverage is bad. So I decided that final skin painting has to wait at least a week till the paint is dry enough for the next layer without working to much in the first one (I'm using oils here).
 18 August 2024, 18:53
 18 August 2024, 22:25
Nicolas kirjailija
Yes, most of them, blocking the entrance to Vault 31.
 19 August 2024, 04:40
Nicolas kirjailija
The last week I did basic painting for the metallic surfaces like weapons, buckles or metal armor.
 8 September 2024, 18:18
Ben M
Looking better and better every time I see an update!
 8 September 2024, 18:28
Nicolas kirjailija
Thanks Ben. 🙂
 8 September 2024, 18:33

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