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101 1 August 2024, 12:38

A biplane?!? Taking a seat for sure. Your engine looks nice and greasy 🙂 👍
1 August 2024, 14:52

Thank you, Alec! Yes, this is my very first project of WWI plane 🙂
2 August 2024, 10:42

Jakub, the construction progress so far looks very good.
Maybe you'll find a liking in WWI models. 😉
18 August 2024, 22:35

Thank you, mates!
Ludvíku, i must say, that i am enjoing it so far. But there will be more challenges later( riggings, lozenge....) So, i will see. But i believe, that WWII will remains my priority 🙂
19 August 2024, 12:11

I'm a bit late in commenting do to my holiday - nice work so far!
Since there are some pitfalls: do you want a fun build or should it be correct?
Which specific serial do you plan to build?
21 August 2024, 10:03

Thank you, Frank!
I want to build 8244/17 of Jasta 54. This marking is, according Eduard instructions, just a reconstruction based on the description in the flight log, revealed in the Jasta Color book. So, in my opinion it will be difficult to buid it 100% correct 🙂 However, I will of course be grateful for any advice and recommendations
21 August 2024, 18:10

Ok, on a Pfalz D.IIIa the engine is different. The very simplified Eduard (the pipe work on the lower end of the cylinders is the water, what you have painted dark red - but this is not much visible later) engine shows a older 160hp Mercedes D.III. This is especially shown by the valve train, which can be seen on top of the engine.
Two bolts on top, and the valve in the middle: [img1]
The later 185hp Mercedes D.IIIa was also available for some Pfalz D.III, and nearly all of Pfalz D.IIIa pictures shows this stronger version. The drawings I know too. The engine is a little bit bigger, but the valve train looks very different - four bolts and the valves rockers comes out of the side:
Roden has a better representation of this engine (same sprue on all kits), and it is also more correct in size. That means I cannot get it into this model 🙁
No worries mate, only an expert will notice on the finished model 🙂
And regarding the wings: I strongly recommend Aviattic decals. The ones printed on clear paper (normal) and the ones printed on white for rib tapes. Or you use the Eduard rib tapes. I have some build logs explaining the usage.
1 30 August 2024, 15:56

Thank you very much, Frank, for your help!
While going through the photos and drawings of the engines, I noticed that each type is different, but I was quite confused as to which engine was the right one. In the end I didn't deal with it and just tried to scratchbuild some visible details that are missing from the kit. For example the air pump, pipes and hoses leading from the radiator on the upper wing etc. I use the WnW manual and kit ( borrowed from a friend of mine) as the main source of information 🙂
Thanks for the advice on decals. I'll try to get the Aviattic ones. But I don't know if it will be easier for me to use the lozenge decals from the kit, which are already prepared in the shape of a wing. I will see...
3 September 2024, 10:21

Regardless the path you take, I am sure this will be a superb build 🙂👍
3 September 2024, 12:23

Thank you, Alec! I hope I won't disappoint you 🙂
Welcome here, Michael.
5 September 2024, 12:34

Yes, the WNW manuals are a good source! You can download the manuals as PDF, the web site is still available.
But I suggest to download all what you need (also for other projects) soon. The site was away for a while already and I heard rumors that it was paid then for some additional time only.
For the Linux users among us, I suggest using "wget" with the recursive option so you can get all the PDFs, reference images and more to your hard drive without making millions of clicks,
5 September 2024, 13:39

I heard the same, bughunter. Nobody knows, how long the WnW site will be available.
19 September 2024, 12:05

I added a few external details from PE, Evergreen, and my favourite plastic yogurt container 🙂
The fuselage with lower wing is almost ready to paint.
19 September 2024, 12:12

Superb progress Jakube. The tail skid looks very authentic, as do the rigging buckles 👍
19 October 2024, 17:31

Jakub, you're doing a good job. All the detail you put into it looks very good and adds credibility to the model. 👍
26 October 2024, 09:16

I sprayed the colors on the fuselage and applied the first layer of lozenge decal from Eduard. Unfortunately, I could not find those from Aviattic at any of the e-shops. I have to admit I'm too lazy to order them directly from the UK manufacturer 🙂
7 November 2024, 11:06

The Pfalz is looking good Jakub, despite the mishaps. I have had similar problems, even though I de-tacked the tape. Still it looks like it's coming good. 🤘🥸🤟
7 November 2024, 12:50

Looking great... Definitely a future model for me, lve not built an Eduard yet.
Good luck with next steps 😀👍
7 November 2024, 15:16

Accidents like this always hurt. But you did a great job fixing it.
What manufacturer did you use for the lozenge decals?
7 November 2024, 22:33

Thank you, mates!
As you wrote, these masking troubles sometimes happens. Luckily, this one was easy to fix.
Ludvíku, lozenge decals are Eduard. It´s in my previous comment, with an explanation why 🙂
Alec, the silver paint is Tamiya LP-11. I would say, it´s very similar to a "classic" gunze C-8
8 November 2024, 09:34

Good progress 👍 When I saw picture 31, my first thought was "Nice weathering!" 😉
I once read that almost all liquid masking agents are based on latex, and that needs ammonia as a thinner to keep it liquid. But ammonia also attacks acrylic paints 🙁
8 November 2024, 11:02

Yes Frank i thought that thing with weathering too 😄. But I wasn't sure if it wasn't nonsense, so I resprayed it instead.
19 November 2024, 11:01

Added new photos. I finished applying decals and spraying paints. Now I will try to add some weathering before the final assembly.
19 November 2024, 11:06

I am new to modelling and I enjoy every picture I see here, full of admiration for the details and degree of finish. Then when I realise how small this model is I am blown off my feet. Fantastic.
22 November 2024, 14:34

The pre-rigging provides some great ideas! Thanks for those pictures!
Photo #26 is in millimeters?
22 November 2024, 17:31

Thank you, mates, for your kind comments!
Yes Desert Marlin, it is in milimeters
23 November 2024, 08:53

Thank you Alec and Spanjaard!
Yes, i can see the finish line. Not very clearly, because it's hidden under the shadow of the upper wing 😄, but i feel it's not far away.
5 December 2024, 15:03

Very nice progress! I don't think Mark's mention of the crate was entirely off the mark. 😉
5 December 2024, 23:01

Thank you Mr D and Ludvíku.
No, to on Mára myslel naši klubovou předvánoční soutěž a ta je už za 10 dní. Tak uvidím, jestli to zvládnu dorazit....
6 December 2024, 11:21

Jo, to bych Aleši mohl. Jestli se mi podaří udělat nějaký koukatelný fotky, tak je sem dám.
7 December 2024, 12:29

it took me a while but i finally uploaded photos of the finished model. Thank you mates, for following the build and for your help and support.
1 4 January, 13:51

Amazing. Love the rigging, and the weathering - especially the oil runoff on the left front side of the fuselage, and the spray on the underside of the wings from the wheels. Congratulations.
1 4 January, 20:32

Your build shows that a good model builder need not be afraid of a biplane! Nicely done 👍
This was your first one? What about another one in future?
1 4 January, 21:36

So this is indeed a great piece. Definitely deserves a place of honor in the showcase! 👍👍👍
I have the same question as bughunter. Will there be another biplane in the future?
1 4 January, 22:15

Hi Jakub 👋 job 👍
Did you use thread or ez line for rigging?? I purchased some EZ recently but l could only find 0.5 looks a little thick !?
1 4 January, 22:17

Thanks a lot, mates, for your kind words!
Yes, Frank, it was my first WWI plane and i enjoyed the build. So, the answer for your and Ludvik's guestion is yes. There will be another biplane project. It will be Eduard's Camel Comic, because i would like to compare this new kit with that older Pfalz. But there is a lot of projects in a queue, so a starting time of this build is unknown 🙂
1 5 January, 10:17

Wow, very well done, I love the subtle weathering. Looking forward to your next adventure 👍
1 5 January, 18:44

Very well done, Jakube! I've never had the courage to get into WWI aircraft. I admire it very much.
Very nice and subtle weathering. 👏👏👏
11 January, 17:44

Thank you, Zbynku! So take your courage 🙂 It's fun and these planes are worth a shot.
1 11 January, 20:01