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Kierre aloitti RogerTee55

Roger Trewenack
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
182 kuvien
Eaglemoss BTTF De LoreanView album, image #182
back on her wheels to show off the completed LHS.
projekti: BTTF De Lorean
1:8 Build the DeLorean (Eaglemoss )1:8 Headlight Lens Inserts Set (Mike Lane Mods EDLI)1:8 Hood Box Upgrade Kit (Mike Lane Mods EDHB)6+
25 2 August 2024, 02:50
Wow this is going to be a biggie.
 20 August 2024, 09:54
very interesting, no doubt.
 21 August 2024, 09:12
Another big (and heavy 😉 ) beauty - I'm in!
 27 August 2024, 19:46
Working electric window lifters 👍 On a model? 😮 Never seen that!
 9 September 2024, 08:31
Alexander Grivonev
 9 September 2024, 08:43
Roger Trewenack kirjailija
the window are manually lifted, sorry - you lift up the gull-wing door, and that reveals the bottom cog which you can wind with your finger
 9 September 2024, 09:23
Does that window also roll up and down?! That's truly sick! Watching!
 11 September 2024, 06:20
Alex Rakhimgulov
What kind of oil will you use? 😮
 11 September 2024, 08:19
Roger Trewenack kirjailija
thet'd be....... "the good oil"!!! !;^)
 11 September 2024, 12:13
Lorraine Lin
wow, how can I miss this fantastic project
1  23 February, 02:55
Roger Trewenack kirjailija
Thanks Lorraine, I'm starting to get my momentum back.....
 23 February, 06:00

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