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Kierre aloitti HMS45

Sergio Ordonez
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
17 13 August 2024, 17:12
 13 August 2024, 17:28
Sergio Ordonez kirjailija
Ekki, but do not expect anything marvellous: there IS not a good base to make a good one from this one.
 13 August 2024, 17:36
I'll look at it with interest. I have such a "Gannet" former FROG\NOVO from ARK-models in my stash.
 13 August 2024, 17:43
Looks good sergio! Should turn out good.
 13 August 2024, 17:58
Sergio Ordonez kirjailija
Thanks you mates. The things is I LOVE this ugly bird. By the moment, I will try to improve the landing gear sinks and complete the cockpit to be a little more real. The recession of panels; well, I think the plastic is not enough thik and strong to try, so I will keep It as It is.
 13 August 2024, 18:24
 14 August 2024, 14:30
Following as well.
 22 August 2024, 18:02
Following as well. I started this exact same kit months ago. Looking forward how you will proceed with this 👍
 9 September 2024, 12:33
Sergio Ordonez kirjailija
Thanks, DerMattes, but do not expect anything bright. Only few mods to make It look better in a far sight. I am afraid I will need to find a battery kit for my collection.
 9 September 2024, 13:08
Sergio Ordonez kirjailija
Not the best result, but I call It done.
 9 September 2024, 20:09
Well done 👍 Motivates me to continue with mine 😉
 9 September 2024, 20:21
Sergio Ordonez kirjailija
Thank you, DerMattes: I am glad to be useful!
 10 September 2024, 06:27
Good result. Well done!
 10 September 2024, 17:36
Sergio Ordonez kirjailija
Thank you, Ekki
Please: I have to add that I saw DerMattes job before starting mine.
 10 September 2024, 18:50

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