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Kierre aloitti Mr D

Mr D
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82 kuvien
MyAlbumView album, image #80
1:48 IAR 80 (HobbyBoss 81757)
59 13 August 2024, 21:46
 18 August 2024, 12:12
Mr D kirjailija
Thanks, Appreciate the interest, lm reality new to the hobby about 14 months, finding my way with techniques.
Weathering n panel lines need more learning.
The IAR-80 was decent price from HB and liked the paint scheme...bit different
 18 August 2024, 13:25
I'm in!
 20 August 2024, 10:24
Mr D kirjailija
Thanks J35.
Nice to have the interest, HB instructions bit weak!
They said to paint interior charcoal black like on the FW-190.
But l checked n the Romanian lAR interior was grey/blue.
Engine building next 6 parts deal.
Cheers 😃👍
 20 August 2024, 11:14
Miguel Vaquero
Looking good mate. Following!!
 20 August 2024, 20:00
Mr D kirjailija
Good to have you along Miguel, engine n wings next,
A small amount of the wing is seen through bottom of cockpit, the HB instructions didn't mention painting it first!!
But the fit of the model be ok so far.
 21 August 2024, 09:08
Robert Podkoński
Joining the party!
 26 August 2024, 11:25
Mr D kirjailija
Thanks Robert, good to have you on board 👋😀👍
 26 August 2024, 12:01
Miguel Vaquero
Love the idea of filling with acrylic, never thought about it. Does it hold well though time?
 26 August 2024, 13:14
Mr D kirjailija
Hi, Yes lve used it alot and holds up really well , l find the fillers a bit messy and more trouble than it's worth on small gaps.
You do need to allow overnight drying with it for best sanding results.
 26 August 2024, 13:42
Brilliant! The putty really can create a mess with finely molded details
 26 August 2024, 15:01
This is extremely clever!!!
 26 August 2024, 15:25
Mr D kirjailija
Yes it has a habit of filling in panel lines n bits not necessary!!
This technique is same as using alot of paint to fill a gap or high build primer ect...just becomes part of the paint layer as it acrylic too.
But it's not for big gaps!! As there is a bit of shrinking overnight.
Be onto marking rivets next step after sanding... Then need to make choices on open or closed canopy???
 26 August 2024, 19:18
Kesa Tiho
If anyone dare look away from that then every romanian within a 20 km radius will undo all your progress like a bunch of wolves eating a sheep
 26 August 2024, 19:29
Landlubber Mike
Looking really good Mr D!
 30 August 2024, 17:57
Mr D kirjailija
Thanks Mike 👋😀👍.
Ive got the canopy on now, HB do nice clear glass, so I'm having a closed cockpit,
So bit of masking to do there next.
Ive got X2 builds on the go at min.
All the best 👍👍
 30 August 2024, 19:09
Miguel Vaquero
I got to get myself a chrome pen. The result on those details look awesome
 4 September 2024, 09:53
Mr D kirjailija
Thanks Miguel, the pen needs a good shake prior to use , if it awkward area you can pump some out n use brush...but work fast.
Best to put a clear over next day as it's bit delicate.
 4 September 2024, 09:58
Alexander Perov
Do not forget that the mast of the antenna passes through the windshield and is very clearly visible. This model may come in handy in my albums
 18 September 2024, 19:29
Mr D kirjailija
Ok thanks Alexander, HB didnt make the Mast installation very clear, the show it just glued on the top, will be very weak!! I've seen one build and it's come away!!
I'm going to use steel rod.
 18 September 2024, 19:59
Guy Rump
Following with interest! 👍
 20 September 2024, 21:21
Mr D kirjailija
Thanks Guy.... good to have you around 😃👍
 20 September 2024, 21:23
Miguel Vaquero
Looking amazing. That camo Is on point 👌👌
 6 October 2024, 18:45
Mr D kirjailija
Thanks Miguel 👍 the office-tak used to mask.
Will try panel lines n wash for first time on this one
 6 October 2024, 19:34
Looking excellent so far!
 14 October 2024, 13:59
Mr D kirjailija
Thanks Gorby 😁👍 Appreciate it.
Got the Flat Clear on now....look at some chipping next.
 14 October 2024, 16:54
Mr D kirjailija
Cheers Garry V👍👍
 15 October 2024, 09:33
Mr D kirjailija
Hi Trez 👋
Yes they were heavily influenced by German technology, the Germans wanted them to help support on the eastern front and protect the oilfields there.
It's a nice looking Aircraft, l liked the colour scheme and thought it be nice change n addition to my collection.
Canopy a nice easy mask.
 19 October 2024, 20:21
Zbynek Honzik
I must say, this project of yours is turning out very nicely, Mr D! I'm enjoying watching it! 👍🙋🏼‍♂️
 19 October 2024, 22:39
Mr D kirjailija
Thanks Zbynek😁👍
Great to have your interests, nearly there now, l can get started on the paint on my Beriev Be-6 soon.
 20 October 2024, 11:15
Mr D kirjailija
Cheers Jose👋👍
 21 October 2024, 10:07
Miguel Vaquero
It's turning out a beauty!!
 25 October 2024, 08:03
Mr D kirjailija
Hi Miguel 👋, thanks 👍
Just Antenna work n few little bits to finish.
Waiting for some 0.1mm stainless wire.
 25 October 2024, 09:59
Alexander Perov
Well, they said, they said, and you did everything wrong, probably you never looked at this model in my albums
 31 October 2024, 17:54
Mr D kirjailija
Hi Alexandra.
I only just found your Album on IAR,
It's very good.... I've only been in the hobby for Months and im learning really, l know the antenna isn't accurate, l wanted it to be strong n durable.
 31 October 2024, 19:58
Only a tiny number of people will either know or care if the antenna isn't accurate Mr D – I didn't know and now that I do, I still don't care. 😄
The antenna looks good and that's all that matters, that fact you've managed to get as good as you have at modelling in such a short space of time is remarkable.
At the end of the day it's only a bloody model and this is only a bloody hobby – not a moral crusade to populate the planet with totally accurate replicas of the real thing. I haven't got a problem if other people want to count every rivet on their own model, but annoys me when they expect it of others.
Just have fun. 🙂
 1 November 2024, 09:02
Robert Podkoński
 1 November 2024, 09:46
Mr D kirjailija
Hi Gorby 👋😃.
Good to catch up.
Thanks 👍 lm happy as with it as l see I've improved a bit on previous models.
The Antenna design was begging to break n go wrong the designed way, first antenna...l want to play bit safe.
Everyone has different abilities and l respect them all.
Good luck with your projects 👍
 1 November 2024, 11:43
Mr D kirjailija
Hi Robert 👋😃👍
 1 November 2024, 11:44
Robert Podkoński
Trez has asked about the origins of this plane - in fact the whole fuselage was taken (copied) from PZL P.24, of which Romanians have acquired the licence before the II WW.
 1 November 2024, 16:59
Mr D kirjailija
Hi Robert 👋.
I will have to look up the PZL P.24 .
There is a YouTube video about the IAR-80 l watched it was quite interesting, the Germans supplied them with some tech, l know the fuselage had to be extended to get CG right.... hence the long fornt-end.
I really liked the look of the model and the colour scheme..... I thought it would make a nice addition to my display.....bit of variation.
The Soviet's ended up with a few after the war .....and used them as fighter trainers....Just green with red star.
 1 November 2024, 17:25
Mr D kirjailija
Hi Zbynek 👋... thanks 👍
 1 November 2024, 19:57
Robert Podkoński
This is a very cool looking airplane indeed, Mr D.
 1 November 2024, 22:01
Mr D kirjailija
Thanks for your likes everyone 😁👍
Almost finished.
 3 November 2024, 13:39
Robert Podkoński
Looks really cool, Mr D!
 4 November 2024, 15:26
Miguel Vaquero
Amazing job Mr.D that's a pretty model
 4 November 2024, 15:30
It looks great Mr D!
 4 November 2024, 15:31
Mr D kirjailija
Thanks Gorby, Miguel 👍
 4 November 2024, 16:41
Guy Rump
Really great result, congrats! 👍
 4 November 2024, 17:42
Mr D kirjailija
Thanks Guy good to have your interests during build.
 4 November 2024, 19:07
Nice finish!
1  5 November 2024, 00:57
Mr D kirjailija
Thanks D-mango..👍
 5 November 2024, 10:06
Mr D kirjailija
Thanks Dave..👍
 14 November 2024, 21:23
Mr D kirjailija
Thanks for the Likes everyone 👍👍
 15 November 2024, 13:33
Mr D kirjailija
Thanks Tony 👍👍
 11 December 2024, 19:38
Landlubber Mike
Really sharp looking Mr D! Well done!
1  11 December 2024, 20:04
Mr D kirjailija
Thanks Mike 😀👍
 11 December 2024, 20:48

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