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Kierre aloitti AndrexP

Andrew P
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
60 kuvien
Martin M-130 China ClipperView album, image #51
240813: Approaching Wake Lagoon
1:144 Martin M-130 China Clipper (Glencoe Models 05505)
22 14 August 2024, 15:28
Robert Podkoński
Taking a seat here.
 14 August 2024, 16:11
Alex K
Joining Robert.
 14 August 2024, 17:16
Mr D
Nice interesting kit, like it. Not heard of the brand.
I've just started a Beriev be-6
 14 August 2024, 18:13
Łukasz Gliński
Cool topic, lovely finish 👍
 14 August 2024, 20:09
Ben M
 14 August 2024, 20:52
Beautiful work!
 14 August 2024, 22:38
Lovely work, beautifully photographed!
 15 August 2024, 14:31
Michael Kohl
Love them inflight photos.
 15 August 2024, 14:32
Alex K
Utterly enjoyable! 👍 👍
 15 August 2024, 15:09
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 15 August 2024, 17:33
excellent job and photography
 18 August 2024, 20:42
Alec K
Wow, excellent build and story. I have seen a few documentaries about PanAm recently, very interesting. Can you go a bit more into detail as to how you made the windows and what product you used?
 18 August 2024, 22:11
Andrew P kirjailija
Sure: I sealed up the windows with Kapton tape (High-temp polyimide tape with silicon adhesive) and filled the windows with 2-Part Crystal Clear Casting resin, both fairly inexpensive on Amazon (about $10 each).
Here's another kit done the same way: T204 Project | Album by AndrexP (1:144)
2-part resin:
Kapton tape:
 19 August 2024, 03:06
Alec K
Perfect, thanks very much!
 19 August 2024, 11:58

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