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Alberto Traverso
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
50 4 September 2024, 23:58
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 19 September 2024, 05:11
Alberto Traverso kirjailija
thank you!
 19 September 2024, 06:41
Top work! Mud and camouflage look good, but the model was also eyecandy in mint fresh condition.
 3 October 2024, 09:46
Alberto Traverso kirjailija
thanks Neuling, yes sometimes it's some kind of a hard decision to cover the paint job
 3 October 2024, 10:59
Michael Schubert
Looks amazing!! Awesome use of the camouflage netting!
 5 October 2024, 01:04
Alberto Traverso kirjailija
thanks Michael!
 5 October 2024, 04:10
Michael Kohl
Uh, beware of the sergeant when he sees that you cut that camo net into pieces. Fine model though. 🙂
 10 October 2024, 06:51
Alberto Traverso kirjailija
 10 October 2024, 12:14
Beautiful rendition of the Leopard. I also finished my model today and I thought mine was pretty good but then looking at yours it's absolutely fantastic. Good job
 21 February, 01:06
Alberto Traverso kirjailija
Thanks very much Julien 👍
 21 February, 13:28

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