Kierre aloitti tankpouce

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7 5 September 2024, 14:34

I wonder what is written on the tank's turret?
I didn't understand anything at all, did you?
5 September 2024, 18:18

thank you, the slogans are from an old Verlinden dry transfert sheet, they were made according to old pictures, their meanings are usualy patriotic, if someone knows maybe he coukd share with us.
6 September 2024, 06:52

tankpouce, on the right side is the inscription "ЛЕНИН" (Lenin) (misspelling, the last Russian letter H looks like И).
On the left side, the word "гадину" (gadinu) looks like the end of a phrase, for example "Бей фашистскую гадину!" (Beat the fascist bastard!)
6 September 2024, 09:09

Be careful with such inscriptions in an unfamiliar language, so as not to look stupid.
In addition to grammatical and semantic errors in the inscriptions, there is also a rather strange emblem, apparently this is the fantasy of the decal manufacturer.
Apparently this is the emblem of the "Guard", but then you installed it upside down.
When working on a model, it is better to have a photo of the prototype.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
6 September 2024, 13:14