Kierre aloitti Tcamp

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26 24 September 2024, 12:55

Texas hurricane is underway let the fun begin!
Sorry for inverted pics cant get rotated🤠
28 September 2024, 19:13

Rotation is well hidden. To rotate your photos, open your album. Click on "manage". Then turn on the "advanced options" toggle. You will now have the ability to rotate photos in the album.
29 September 2024, 00:07

Thanks ben
That was driving me nuts!!!!
Appreciate that brother!
29 September 2024, 00:36

So far so good just a cat 1 now hopefully ill turn her into a cat 5 (LOL)
29 September 2024, 02:37

I reworked the main jib boom
I wasnt feeling the kit one
Its still a work in progress
2 October 2024, 21:03

Thank yall
Im not a rivet counter or anything but.....
The more i looked at the kit boom i could not figure how it would work ..
Revell had their boom right im also going to support mine as they did and use poles instead of ratlines. Which tie down inside of the work area ?
Im not feeling that one either lol
Again thanks
2 October 2024, 23:14

Oooohhh... so nice 🙂
A Lindberg kit? Seen them but never got one, yet. That looks amazing.
3 October 2024, 12:21

The details on this kit are so crisp. Looking forward to seeing what you're doing to the rear section.
5 October 2024, 04:18

Thank you gorby
I have some lines to hank and a bit more weathering
29 October 2024, 15:52

Looks great! You should update the teaser photo to be one of the finished model.
11 November 2024, 01:50