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Raphael Bernecole
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
53 kuvien
Israeli Hardened Aircraft Shelter Diorama View album, image #40
I had the crazy idea of ​​installing real lighting on the Israeli shelter, it's my first experience of developing LED li...
1:72 Israeli Air Force (Noy's Miniatures 72K101)
19 25 September 2024, 08:18
Łukasz Gliński
 25 September 2024, 11:22
Charles-Henri Titelion
sounds very promising!
 25 September 2024, 11:25
Me 3!
 25 September 2024, 17:19
Harry Eder
I have to watch this! Great start! 👍
 14 October 2024, 10:53
Following 👍
 14 October 2024, 11:01
Michael Kohl
I was pondering whether to buy that kit. So I am anxious about your build and appreciate some inside views on quality, fit, etc.
 16 October 2024, 15:33
It feels like that set offers more of an orientation and instructions than actual parts. You're work so far looks great.
 16 October 2024, 18:48
Raphael Bernecole kirjailija
Thank you very much everyone 🙂

@ Michael Kohl : This kit is of quality and the instructions are detailed and very precise in order to realize the rest of the shelter. The Resin is fine and of quality. This project is attractive and can bring originality.
This kit requires a lot of work and precision to produce the many parts made of plastic cards.
In my opinion this kit is worth the investment since I'm hooked by this project. 🙂
 17 October 2024, 09:14
Looking good, will follow
 10 November 2024, 13:52
 10 November 2024, 17:42
Well done so far 👍
 11 November 2024, 19:25
 16 November 2024, 16:24

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