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Free download:
Skyranger 30 Turm Look-Alike free 3D datafile download
SUFA312 1:35
1876633 2024 Uusi työkalu Digitaalinen: 3D-tiedosto
7 October 2024, 10:02
Nick N
Amazing work!
 8 October 2024, 13:46
Nick N
Not free anymore?
 16 February, 09:34
ΔΠ kirjailija
Oh, yes, indeed, but 1.25€ is also okay, I think.
 16 February, 19:41
Nick N
Not to big of a problem indeed, do you think it is a trust worthy site though?
 17 February, 10:13
ΔΠ kirjailija
Yeah, sure! is a well-known site for 3D printing files and absolutely trustworthy. On Cults3D, anyone can create an account and sell or share their 3D print models for free. However, since anyone can upload files, the quality of the models can var some are better, some are worse. If you find a good creator, it's often worth checking out their other designs, as you might find more useful models from them.
1  17 February, 19:42
Nick N
Thank you very much!
 20 February, 20:35

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