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Kierre aloitti Smegger213

Andrew Gledhill
lisäsi uuden projektin.
85 kuvien
1:35 Sd.Kfz.234/2 PUMA (Rye Field Model RM-5110)
4 16 October 2024, 14:00
Andrew Gledhill kirjailija
Update 01. 16.10.24. Hi folks. Welcome to my latest build. Decided to make a start on this Ryefield Model German Puma Armoured Car. So far, I have made up the axles and running gear on the lower hull. Each wheel is steerable, with the front and rear axles being linked together to position the wheels in a steering state. The steering linkages had to be fitted onto the axles by melting the end of the rods with a heated screwdriver head. Unfortunately, I broke one of the linkages for the rear set of wheels. This means that the rear axle will have to stay in the straight position. I have had to fill in a load of ejector pin marks on the swing arms. I will probably paint this lower hull in the Dark Yellow colour before moving onto the interior of the hull. The kit has most of the interior and a full engine. No internal painting instructions though. So, I will be winging it lol. That's all for now. Enjoy.
 16 October 2024, 14:21
Andrew Gledhill kirjailija
Update 02. 22.10.24. I have painted the lower hull and running gear etc in the Dark Yellow colour. Then I moved onto the interior. I have assembled most of the internal components. There is another steering wheel to fit in the rear driving position. I painted most of the interior in a White colour with a little Brown added to make a Creme colour. The engine bay was painted with Tamiya Hull Red. I have assembled the engine, but its not glued in place yet. I will do some weathering before fitting the engine. I painted the engine with Mr Hobby Super Metallic Dark Iron. This paint is buff-able once dry. I buffed it up with a soft brush and a cotton bud. This makes it look like cast iron etc. I will probably do some dry brushing on the engine with a Metallic Steel colour. You wont be able to see much of it under the panels anyway. I still have to paint the leather pads and backs of the seats. Then pick out any details. Then I can weather the interior before moving on. That's all for now. Enjoy.
 22 October 2024, 17:57
Andrew Gledhill kirjailija
Update 03. 14.11.24. Sorry, that I haven't put up an update for awhile. Been some things going on in my personal life. Anyway, I have come a long way now. I did the weathering of the interior, including the inside of the turret. Gun breach etc. Then I finished the majority of the main building phase. I have done all the main camo painting etc. I will be roughening up and painting the exhausts next. These will be made to look rusty. Then I will have to paint and fit all the tools, jack and jerry cans etc. Then it will be time to decal up before doing some weathering. That's it for now. Enjoy.
 14 November 2024, 15:22
Andrew Gledhill kirjailija
Update 04. 17.11.24. Hi again. I have down some more work on the camo painting. Tried to go in between the Green & Red Brown with some of the Dark Yellow. Wanted to thin the Green & Brown lines out a bit. Not had much practise of trying to do fine lines with the airbrush. So, going to leave it at that. Might go over it with a fine mist coat of the Dark Yellow. After that I did the exhausts. To make them look rusty I used my Mr Surfacer method. First I painted on a thick coat of Mr Surfacer 500 all over the exhaust parts. Let that dry for about 15 minutes. Then I stippled the surface with a cut down old tooth brush. This left the surface all pitted and scored. It was then a simple job to paint them with Ammo Mig Rust colours. Started off with the darker rust colour, then dry brush on layers of the lighter colours. Now I have to paint up and fit all the tools Jerry cans and other extras. Enjoy.
 17 November 2024, 11:53
Andrew Gledhill kirjailija
Update 05. 23.11.24. I have now more or less completed the build. I have painted and attached all the tools etc. Painted and attached the 2 aerials. The PE spoked aerial top was a real pain to glue onto the rest of the aerial mast. I had to try to hold in place with one hand, then blast it with a can of super glue accelerator with the other hand. I decided to do minimal weathering. I just did some chipping, a light panel line wash in places. Then rubbed some dust compound over some areas like on the tyres. I can remove the engine panels if I want. But I have left them closed because you can hardly see much of the engine anyway. There are some extras included in the kit. A couple of fuel drums, oil cans, and a load of soldier gear such as MG's, Helmets, Bino's, canteens etc. I will paint some of these up and I may do a diorama. Well that's it for now. Enjoy.
 23 November 2024, 16:41
Andrew Gledhill kirjailija
Update 06. 07.03.25. At the moment, I am going to call this completed. I have decided at this stage, not to finish painting up the extras. Such as fuel drums and other sundry items. If I ever do a diorama for this one. Then I will complete all those items when I do that. For now, they will go into the spares box.
So, that is another one done. Enjoy.
 7 March, 09:45

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