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Kierre aloitti bughunter

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9 kuvien
THE StreetView album, image #9
The 2CV Ente fits well on this street, in terms of size and period.
1:24 Display Case Vitrine (Trumpeter 09813)1:24 Citroen 2 CV (Revell 05663)
59 17 November 2024, 16:36
Robert Podkoński
 17 November 2024, 16:41
It's almost as if I know how special this dio will be. 😉
 17 November 2024, 16:54
Alexander Grivonev
it absolutely does look like THE street, the realism is stunning 👍
 17 November 2024, 17:01
Alexander Grivonev
what do you mean "my 1:24 cars", since when 😄
 17 November 2024, 17:02
bughunter kirjailija
Thank you mates! I am also absolutely satisfied with the result.

@Alexander From time to time I have done some 1:24 cars, typically from ICM.
The Benz Motorwagen is the best I think, also received an award. The newest was the Ford A released this year.
You can find them on my Projects filtered fro 1:24: bughunter
 17 November 2024, 17:19
Erik Off
Perfect! 👍 Where did you get the typical German manhole covers?
 17 November 2024, 17:30
bughunter kirjailija
Thanks Erik!
Both are from ebay, see the selection box:
Not the perfect quality, but usable.
 17 November 2024, 17:35
Erik Off
Thank you!
 17 November 2024, 17:40
bughunter kirjailija
Especially for Alex I made a picture with the Ford A. A 1:24 car fits well.
 18 November 2024, 19:50
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS
Uhhhhh - that is beautiful … both, the model and the road 👌
 18 November 2024, 20:11
bughunter kirjailija
Thank you very much Thomas!
The Ford is not new. I showed it here in June: Ford Model A Standard Phaeton Soft Top (1930s) | Project by bughunter (1:24)
 18 November 2024, 22:00
Patrick Hagelstein
That road segment looks absolutely stunning! Very well done and very realistic looking.
 18 November 2024, 22:12
Alexander Grivonev
Thanks a lot! Again, it looks absoilutely stunning 👍
 18 November 2024, 22:59
Excellent model and base.
 19 November 2024, 09:17
Michael Kohl
Very fine street segment. Thanks for the link to the german manhole covers. They caught my attention too. Now it needs a more modern german car. I doubt that the Benz vehicle will do. And a figure of course. 🙂
 19 November 2024, 11:16
Jakub Fiala
 19 November 2024, 11:18
Villiers de Vos
 19 November 2024, 16:21
bughunter kirjailija
Thank you very much for your kind words mates!
 19 November 2024, 18:36
This is SO good. Two years ago i made something very similar but not even half as beautyful as yours. Using a deformed ferrule as a stamp for the cobblestone texture is ingenious - i whish i had known this trick when i made mine.
 20 November 2024, 22:05
bughunter kirjailija
Thank you Mel!
I have to admit that I got the idea of turning an old paintbrush into a stamp from someone else on the internet.
 21 November 2024, 16:13
The pretty car and the texture of the floor is really nice.
 25 November 2024, 06:19
bughunter kirjailija
Thank you very much! Much appreciated.
 25 November 2024, 14:46
very nice street. pity that the ebay seller does not sell outside of Germany apparently.... well, i may visit some friends in Germany next year, so i may get some items 😄
 25 November 2024, 22:15
bughunter kirjailija
If you come to the EME in Lingen next year we can organize something.
 26 November 2024, 08:01
thanks, i would love to, but it is quite possible i will not be able to be there, unfortunatelly
 26 November 2024, 08:04
Juergen Klinglhuber
Super - turning the foam piece into that reallistic road scene is just amazing - good job!
 1 December 2024, 11:38
bughunter kirjailija
Danke Juergen!
 2 December 2024, 16:20
bughunter kirjailija
Now I can show the intended vehicle, see also the other albums of this secret project.
 9 December 2024, 10:37
I assume your friend was very pleased with it?
 9 December 2024, 11:03
bughunter kirjailija
Yes gorby, I had the impression and it was a big surprise. I think because it's a very personal gift.
2  9 December 2024, 11:36
Inspiring. I have a street in 1/72. hard to get such a good result.
 9 December 2024, 11:41
Yngve N
The way you made a rather useful but boring display case into a small diorama is amazing. And the creativity you show in scratch building too. Thanks for pointing me to this album
 13 December 2024, 12:02
bughunter kirjailija
You are welcome! Thx!
Oh yes, scratch building is for me the biggest fun part of the hobby 😎 I really like to work with wood and metal on my biplanes.
 13 December 2024, 12:06

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