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Michael Kohl
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
12 24 November 2024, 19:01
That are so great pictures - I added your album as Walkaround to the topic "BAe Hawk", so others can find it.
 24 November 2024, 19:15
Mr D
Great Photos, nice to see close up's be very useful to someone project.
 24 November 2024, 19:15
Shar Dipree
Thanks for sharing. 👍
 24 November 2024, 20:32
Robert Podkoński
Great photos (and I envy you... 😉 )
 5 December 2024, 20:11
Mr D
If you need Hawk cockpit reference your covered here 😁👍
 5 December 2024, 21:44
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Happy that you like the stuff.
Yeah, Robert, this was a truly special occasion and I enjoyed it very much - not least because I worked with planes in my 'last' life.
The visit was even more remarkable as we've been there at the 11th of November. As you probably know this is the britisch Remembrance Day and we've been honored to participate in the military appelle to commemorate the sacrifices of british military personell.
 6 December 2024, 15:26

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