Kierre aloitti AndiXAndreas Luxlisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.15 kuvienA-4M Skyhawk 1:48Finished! projekti: A-4M Skyhawk1+ 32 26 November 2024, 18:32S BFollowing with great interest. 27 November 2024, 15:00S BHi Andreas, following was totally worth it. What a wonderful model either way an awesome presentation! Excellent job!!! 👍👍👍 10 February, 04:52Lorraine Linlooking great! [img1]1 1 10 February, 06:05Andreas Lux kirjailijaThank you Lorraine and S B for your lovely comments! 10 February, 06:26Guy RumpGreat job! 👍 10 February, 07:08Uutisvirta »