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Andrea Brenco
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
74 26 November 2024, 22:20
1  27 November 2024, 13:08
Alec K
Cool! Watching 👍
1  27 November 2024, 13:52
Moreno Baruffini
Ready for the masterclass!
1  27 November 2024, 14:59
Dave Flitton
1  1 December 2024, 19:56
Robert Podkoński
Taking a seat, of course!
1  1 December 2024, 20:12
Me 6!
1  1 December 2024, 20:50
1  12 December 2024, 03:13
1  12 December 2024, 03:16
Jay Dubya
That bunny ears joke never gets out of date (photo1) - watching.
2  12 December 2024, 03:33
Andrea Brenco kirjailija
Thank you everyone for your interest! I will resume working on this project soon, I want to take my other Typhoon project to this point too, to start priming both in one go. Stay tuned!
 14 December 2024, 14:31
Denis Dogadov
Do you need to decide if it's B-2 or R-2?
1  14 December 2024, 15:25
Andrea Brenco kirjailija
All my references point to a R-2
1  17 December 2024, 16:59
Great start!👍🏻
1  17 December 2024, 17:25
Bas Tonn
Amazing detail, well done
1  17 December 2024, 18:03
William Joel
Amazing work, especially the cockpit detail. Great job.
1  1 January, 23:23
1  2 January, 21:19
Rui S
Looking Great 👍
1  3 January, 12:58
That's a lovely looking paintjob.
1  6 January, 15:03
Moreno Baruffini
Really a superb paint job! Hai veramente reso onore ai nostri picchiatelli! 👍🏼
1  6 January, 15:34
I agree with mates 👍
1  6 January, 18:23
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Looks great 👍
1  7 January, 10:40
1  13 January, 10:19
Andrea Brenco kirjailija
Thanks everybody for your comments!!! I am struggling with the new mobile phone camera, I am not satisfied by the photo it takes but maybe I need more practice...
I have to finish the Fiat G. 55 first, then will paint the Typhoon and finally will work for a small vignette for this one and the Typhoon, will add more photos when done.
Thanks for following!!!
 13 January, 11:57
Awesome indeed!
1  13 January, 12:01
Excellent result!
1  13 January, 12:05
Hi Andrea, regarding the camera, I'd suggest you take your pictures from further away and crop them.
Most phone cameras aren't meant for close up shots and leave a lot of the subject out of focus. Shooting form further away helps mitigate the issue.
A tripod is also a must-have.

Great work on the Stuka!
1  13 January, 12:45
Alec K
Excellent final result Andrea 👍
1  13 January, 12:50
fantastic result!
1  13 January, 13:08
Łukasz Gliński
Brilliant indeed 👍 Great shading and the overpainted places are just cherries on top 👍
1  13 January, 13:10
Andrea Brenco kirjailija
Thanks again guys, glad you liked it!!!
@Clement : Thank you for the suggestion, I will try again next time, may be I should move further back more! we'll see!!!
 13 January, 13:28
Very well done, Andrea! 👍
1  13 January, 13:31
Excellent, looks like 1/48! Congrats👍🏻
1  13 January, 14:13
Very good result 👍
1  13 January, 16:43
Robert Podkoński
1  13 January, 16:59
Great job. Fantastic painting job and result. I'm looking forward to seeing it in that small vignette 👍
1  13 January, 19:33
Rui S
A Beauty, indeed 👍
1  13 January, 22:32
Thomas Bischoff
excellent job - I love the italian finish 👍
1  18 January, 07:15
Erik Leijdens
Very Nice! And cool to see one in Italian service
1  18 January, 07:41
Andrea Brenco kirjailija
thank you so much to all of you!!!
1  18 January, 11:05
Woooooooow !!!
1  25 January, 15:37
David R. Meizoso
Beautiful! Love the figures! So natural. They must have been through serious surgery to match the poses of the old pics.
1  19 February, 23:38
Dave Flitton
The completed picture looks quite realistic. Excellent job.
1  20 February, 09:32
Łukasz Gliński
That airfield looks familiar! 😁
1  20 February, 10:12
Very impressive work!👏🏼
1  20 February, 11:24
Guy Rump
Excellent result and dio! 👍
1  20 February, 16:09
Andrea Brenco kirjailija
Thanks a lot to everyone for the kind comment, much appreciated!!!
@David R. Meizoso luckily, I found some figures from Glowel Niniatures that have the right poses, even if they are German Luftwaffe Personnel... but nobody will know it!!! They are 3D printed, great natural poses but low resolution prints, lots of lines and recesses too much noticeable IMHO, May be next time will give a liquid surfacer coat first, then painting....
@Łukasz Gliński well... all flat surface looks the same... 🙂)
1  20 February, 22:02

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