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Clair Greenwood
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13 kuvien
Tiran 4View album, image #1
Some may have noticed the lack of Tiran 4 pics lately, I got into some side projects for friends and family making resin...
projekti: Tiran 4
1:35 Tiran 4 (Takom 2051)1:35 T-55 Barrel (Voyager Model VBS0156)1:35 BROWNING M-2 Modern version (Aber 35A002)3+
15 8 December 2024, 05:19
Villiers de Vos
Booking my seat.
1  31 December 2024, 05:14
Michael Kohl
Me 2
1  31 December 2024, 09:41
Rui S
Looking good 👍
1  2 February, 21:26
Clair Greenwood kirjailija
It's been busy around here so sorry for the lack of updates but I really haven't done much in the last 2 months. I'm hoping to get back into it this weekend but I'm also learning 3D printing. My grown kids all chipped in and surprised the hell out of me getting me a Elegoo Saturn 3 Ultra printer for Christmas. I was floored and still have rug burn on my lower jaw. I then had to double my pleasure and get an Elegoo Neptune 3 Pro to make automotive parts and toys for my granddaughter 🙂 She loves watching it do its thing Hahaha! Anyway, this weekend Im hoping to finally start using the Saturn to create tank parts, especially track for this one. I just have to have track with pins like the real thing. Ok, Im off to fix a washing machine, then maybe a lil tank time. There will be pics soon.... I hope 😛 (edit becuz old man cant speel )
 6 February, 10:45
Clair Greenwood kirjailija
Id love some honest feedback on my attempt at the canvas mantlet cover, it started out the base early IDF sand, then brushed with Ivory. Then numerous washes and drybrushings of many colors, finishing with a 3 colors mixed together of soft pastels lightly brushed on. I think I've got it close but the pics do appear a bit darker than it looks in person.
 8 February, 18:13
Ben M
I think it looks convincing. It looks "dusty" like pores in fabric have accumulated dirt in a way the surrounding metal would not. I think that's why it works well. If you could get it to be more flat that would help, but it might just be the lighting.
1  8 February, 18:36
Clair Greenwood kirjailija
Thanks Ben, right now the rest of the tank is still glossed for decals and washes, so a few light coats of matte will be coming soon.
1  9 February, 14:14
Clair Greenwood kirjailija
I hope no one minds me sharing a couple non tank pics just to show what I've been up to for a month. I got carried away with my resin 3D printer. lol
 17 March, 17:14
Jennifer Franklin
1  18 March, 02:22
Clair Greenwood kirjailija
Thank you Jennifer 🙂
1  18 March, 20:57

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