Kierre aloitti Smegger213

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3 16 December 2024, 16:49

Update 01: 16.12.24. Hi folks. This is a new project for me. This Hobbyboss kit was given to me by Models For Heroes when I became a beneficiary. The plastic multi link track parts looked a right nightmare to build. So, I found the metal track set on Ebay. These are separate links that are held together with full length pins. I am sure these will be 10 times better than the kit plastic tracks. It took me awhile to sort out the correct number of links to each track. This was because you cannot remove just one link. You have to remove 2 links at a time. Anyway, I think I got it sorted in the end. I can easily remove the tracks for painting by taking out 1 pin. Although I had to fit the 9 tooth drive sprockets instead of the 18 tooth ones. Was a good job that the kit had both types of sprocket. Worth noting if you get metal tracks for a Tiger II.
The kit includes very thin flexible plastic sheets of Zimmerit. You just cut these out and glue them to the model. Been OK with them so far. There are Zimmerit parts in the kit, such as gun mantlet and bow machine gun port. It remains to be seen how the sheets go on the turret.
I have finished all of the wheels and lower hull parts. These have been painted with the base coat Dark Yellow. Painted the Steel Rims with a metallic paint pen. Most of the upper hull has been completed. There are tools, and tow cables etc, that will be painted separately and fitted once the painting is finished. The side skirts have been fitted to the upper hull. Then the upper hull was glued to the lower hull. There will be a small bit of filling to do at the back where the upper hull meets the rear plate. Some gaps in Zimmerit sheets may need filling too.
I will be moving on to doing the turret and gun next. OK progress so far. That's it for now. Enjoy.
1 16 December 2024, 17:28

Update 02. 28.12.24. Hello again. I have been working on the tracks and upper hull. Tracks can easily be removed for painting, although they are a bit fiddly to get back on. I have made up all the front and rear mud guards. Then I took the tracks off and painted all the upper hull in the Dark Yellow base colour. I just have to paint over the PE engine grills. Then I painted the tracks with various rust colours. Finishing them with dry brushing lighter rust colours and a final dry brush of a Steel colour. Then I re-fitted the tracks over the wheels. I have not painted and fitted any tow cables or tools at this stage. I will paint the camo pattern before I do the tools. I may just mask off the tracks when I come to do the camo colours. We shall have to see when I come to that. Next I will be starting on the turret parts. Which begin with the commanders hatch. That's it for now. Enjoy.
28 December 2024, 18:54

Update 03. 03.01.25. Hi folks. Things are moving along nicely now. I have finished the bulk of the build. The gun was assembled. Placed into the turret. Then I painted all the inside and the gun breach parts in my own made up cream colour. Then I painted the coaxial machine gun in Gun Metal. The main breach block and surround in a Polished Metal colour. Then I applied some chipping inside the turret and on the gun parts. Then I applied some Florymodels Dark Dirt Clay Wash inside the turret. Once dry this was rubbed with wetted cotton buds, to produce a suitable grubby look. Then I placed on the rest of the turret parts and hatches. Left off the cupola machine gun for now. Then I sprayed all the outside of the turret in the Dark Yellow colour. So, that's the main build complete. The next job will be to paint the camo pattern. This kit just suggests leaving it all in the Dark Yellow. In fact, the only decals in the kit are 4 Black German Crosses. So, I have ordered a decal set from Hannants. Looked online for some camo pattern examples. Got a couple downloaded to refer to. I think I may just mask off the wheels and tracks. Then do the camo pattern over the upper areas only. That will be the next job. Enjoy.
3 January, 20:02

Update 04. 11.01.25. Hello again. Well, I have now finished the majority of the painting. I used a 3 pen set of the new AK paint pens to paint the dots on the camo. Frankly, I am not impressed with these paint pens at all. The nibs are quite thick and easily deform out of shape when you are constantly pressing them on the model to form dots. Plus the colours were supposed to be late war German Camo colours. But these colours are miles out. The Dark Green and Dark Yellow were not too bad. But the Red Brown was miles off. It was almost pink. I have painted and attached all the tow cables and tools etc. The jack has been fitted to the back, and the jack block has been painted. The tops of the exhausts have been rusted up with some Mr Surfacer and rust coloured paints. Some chipping has been applied. The kit only includes 4 crosses decals. So, I am waiting for a set of decals to come through the post before I go any further with this one. Well, that's it for now. Enjoy.
11 January, 10:26

Update 05. 16.01.25. Hi again. Things are moving along nicely now. I have applied some decals. I could only get a decal set for Tiger 2's with the Henschel turret. Anyway, I decided to just make it up and do my own fictitious tank. I used the numbers 213 because those are the 3 numbers in my email address lol. I put a unit badge on each side of the turret and a Black Cross on each side of the hull. It has taken around 3 coats of Tamiya XF-86 Flat Clear to dull it back down. Next will be some minimal weathering. Already done some chipping, so I will probably add some weathering powders next. I won't be putting mud on it at this stage. I have a figure set to go with it. Not sure if I will put them all on. I am crap at figure painting lol. Anyway, that's it for now. Enjoy.
16 January, 21:00

Update 06. 27.01.25. Hello again. Well, I am going to call this one complete. I have done some basic weathering to go with the chipping that I have already done. I have just rubbed some Tamiya weathering powders all over the tank. Mainly the dirt and sand powders from the Tamiya Weathering Set that I have. I rubbed it on with some of those small eye shadow foam pads that you can buy. Basically rubbed the dirt and sand compound all over the tank, to dust it up. The 5 figures are from a Hobbyboss generic late war Panzer Tank Crew set. Two of the figures don't really go with this tank. But, I have painted them all up anyway. I have tried to replicate the camo on the uniforms with limited success. Also, I am really crap at painting figure faces. I have done the best I can with them. I just cannot get the eyes to look right. Plus it doesn't help that my close range eyesight is so bad. Even using strength 3.5 reading glasses, I find it hard to paint the faces. Anyway, they will have to do for now. I may add more weathering to the tank, such as mud effects etc if I end up putting it in a diorama. But, I am calling it done for now. Enjoy.
27 January, 18:41