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Kierre aloitti JWD

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49 kuvien
Panzer III Ausf. JView album, image #49
Finished and in the display configuration I'll use for display.
21 24 December 2024, 19:13
1  24 December 2024, 20:33
Paul Shearer
👍 nice
2  29 December 2024, 20:48
Rui S
Looking Great 👍 I'm in 😎
 21 January, 00:45
Waaooww 🤩
 21 January, 06:26
JW kirjailija
Any recommendations on painting track for DAK armor?
 21 January, 22:23
Paul Shearer
Steel still rusts even in the desert 🏝️. If there's any moisture it finds it lol.
1  21 January, 22:59
Mr James
What an amazing model kit. I havent got a Ryefield kit but the level of detail in this kit looks fantastic. These details are beautifully enhanced by an expert modeller.
 22 January, 01:32
Mr James
I agree with Paul but there would be a lot less corrosion on the vehicle.
 22 January, 01:36
JW kirjailija
Thanks for the kind comments I'll look at some color photos of tracked vehicles in desert environments and see how much rust is needed. My experience with real tracked vehicles was track rusts quickly.
 22 January, 12:35
Mr James
The lack of true colour pics is bloody annoying. There is much debate on this subject in modelling. I found this comment very interesting on Britmodeller :-

:- Most tracks of WW2 vintage were a high-manganese steel for wear resistance and long life. Most definitely NOT silver, nor graphite. It was a goldy-brown colour, sort of like a light bronze. Even late-war German tracks still appear to have had a decent manganese content. They would wear out in no time without it, and it was being sourced from Sweden through Denmark until very late.

The oxide of manganese steel is a mid grey-brown colour, and it doesn't rust readily in the conventional sense to orange, red and dark brown shades.
1  22 January, 14:31
JW kirjailija
Thanks Mr. James. That was informative and helpful.
 22 January, 16:38
That's a great looking Tank. Beautiful work with the weathering.
 13 March, 19:05
Rui S
Great work allround & Beautiful model on display 👍
 13 March, 19:17
Davide Vitali
What a great work!
 13 March, 19:37

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