mittakaavan mallintamistietokanta | stash manager

Kierre aloitti AJMM

lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
16 1 January, 22:23
Rui S
Great work allround 👍
1  1 January, 23:57
wonderful spitfire. is the figure included with the kit?
1  8 January, 22:40
Daniel H
1  8 January, 22:42
AJMM kirjailija
Thank you very much!

Spanjaard - no that's a Heroes Models RAF figure I think. Brengun starter trolley.
 9 January, 10:19
Michael Schubert
Beautiful 😍 makes me want to do another 1/144..they are frustratingly small but the results are so rewarding!
1  9 January, 11:20
Impressive work for such a small scale.
1  9 January, 14:17
thanks AJMM
1  9 January, 14:29

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