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Jennifer Franklin
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41 kuvien
AVRO ANSON Mk.IView album, image #39
The quality of the photo is lovely.
projekti: AVRO ANSON Mk.I
1:48 Avro Anson Mk.I (Airfix A09191)
52 11 January, 18:57
Good luck Jennifer
1  11 January, 21:33
Robert Podkoński
I'm taking my first row seat here 😉
1  11 January, 21:57
Wow 👍 The kit looks fantastic but also very challenging. Best of luck, Jenny, looking forward to the build!
1  11 January, 22:02
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Welcome, Skyhiker, Robert, and Kenneth.
 12 January, 05:16
Kesa Tiho
Looking forward to the complete build. Hope your little helper doesn't get any stray fur under your decals which FYI: is not a good time 😄
1  12 January, 06:38
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Hi Kesa, welcome. Yes, fur is a constant challenge.
 12 January, 17:32
following !
1  21 January, 12:47
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Welcome, Pierre!
 23 January, 22:12
Hans-Jürgen Haag
1  24 January, 07:59
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Welcome Hans-Jürgen!
 27 January, 03:36
shuai shao
A perfect first step
1  27 January, 03:49
Guy Rump
Following! 👍
1  27 January, 09:07
Michael Kohl
It is supposed to be a very nice kit. Wish you happy modelling hours.
1  27 January, 11:25
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Welcome shuai, Guy, and Micheal!
 30 January, 04:29
Villiers de Vos
Booking my seat as well.
2  30 January, 05:33
Taking a seat!
1  1 February, 10:42
Mr D
Nice project Jennifer 👍 put your masking skills to the test .
Good luck with the build 😀👍
1  5 February, 16:44
Mr D
If you collect enough Airfix flying hours..... They include a free 🐈😺 cat on you next purchase, Good British value folks 😁👍
2  5 February, 16:47
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Welcome, Villiers de Vos, Felix, and Mr D. My current cat models might object to this free cat you speak of.
2  5 February, 23:35
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
New printer enclosure and spray booth all properly vented.
2  12 February, 14:28
You have a very nice workplace set up there and this kit looks interesting as what finial version will be.
1  12 February, 14:38
Guy Rump
Your spray booth and workspace are so impressive!!! 👍
1  12 February, 15:57
Rui S
Great setup 👍
1  12 February, 16:45
that proffesionnal level 🙂 I envy you ! (have a table 1/3modelkit,1/3 work station and 1/3 dinning (it long it is a dinning table).
1  12 February, 16:49
Lorraine Lin
Very nice workplace, and a nice box for your 😽 supervisor.
1  12 February, 17:02
Mark Sherwood
Wow! That's impressive. 🤘🥸👍
1  12 February, 17:10
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Thanks everyone, I promise I'll post some photos of the model soon, especially now that I can airbrush again even in this cold weather.
 14 February, 21:38
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
I posted a few photos of my hand-painted parts. If anyone remembers my Memphis Belle, you can see I am improving.
1  16 February, 04:25
The detailing is look very sharp 👍
1  16 February, 15:20
some progress. good ! (i did not do anything this week end me....)
1  16 February, 16:12
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Thank you, Dave and Naram, a mate has given me some suggestions on how to further improve so expect better soon.
1  16 February, 16:15
Desert Marlin
Wow Jennifer, nice workshop!
1  16 February, 21:14
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Thanks, Desert Marlin; living in a cold climate makes it a necessity if I want to do anything in the winter.
 17 February, 02:18
@ Jennifer, if I may : an easy way to quickly make it look great would be to put a panel liner wash with oils (tamyia) or even easier a pass a acrylic contrast paint (like vallejo or citadel) quite easy and will make pop out the instrutment and tools on the wall.
2  17 February, 03:04
... also will define the structure.
2  17 February, 03:05
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Thank you, Naram; I will do that. I just bought the contrast paint; it will be here on the 21st.
 17 February, 22:49
That looked like a interesting day at the war museum. just might have put that on the bucket list. Noting that Panther and T-34 in the back ground.
1  18 February, 05:57
Indeed must be cool to do model kit in this!
1  18 February, 14:38
Mr D
Looking good so far Jenn 😃👍
1  24 February, 16:33
That a nice touch.
2  24 February, 16:55
Desert Marlin
Excellent work! Looking well used for sure!
2  24 February, 20:22
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Thank you Mr D, Dave, and Desert Marlin. It's very motivating to get everyone's feedback.
1  24 February, 20:41
This is looking great! Is the kit fun so far, Jennifer? Me wants too!
1  24 February, 21:24
Villiers de Vos
Good weathering/wear and tear in the cockpit.
2  25 February, 02:38
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Thank you Felix and Villiers de Vos. Felix, yes, the kit has been fun, in fact it has been a dream to put together so far.
2  26 February, 17:06
Guy Rump
Taking shape beautifully! 👍
1  26 February, 17:07
Mick Burdett
Looking good, good choice to make
1  26 February, 20:46
That's a pretty cool spray booth you have there. Is that custom made?
2  26 February, 22:49
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Thank you, Guy and Mike. Skyhiker, I bought the spray booth from Amazon. It's one with a water curtain.
2  28 February, 03:05
Desert Marlin
Very nice tool for painting!
1  28 February, 03:20
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
I love it, Desert Marlin; I live in Canada, so it gets too cold to open a window for a couple of months of the year, and with my pets, I am not willing to risk their health.
2  28 February, 05:29
You have a very nice workplace, Jennifer! That Anson is coming along nicely. I might have to get one of the first series before they sell out. The new schemes do not appeal to me too much, frankly.
1  28 February, 09:30
Mr D
Nice 👍 take shape now Jenn, enjoy following 👍
1  28 February, 19:38
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Thank you, Felix and Mr. D. Felix, so far, this has been a dream to put together, and I would recommend picking one up for sure.
3  1 March, 12:08
That is a lovely strut work around the cockpit! Looks nice so far.
1  1 March, 15:40
Troy Campbell
I agree that is nice work..
1  1 March, 16:48
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Thank you, bughunter and Troy.
2  1 March, 21:42
Mr D
Hi Jenn, the wet palette 🎨 looks good, l was thinking of getting one,
If you ever need very fine tip brushes for detail work, (Nail lines brushes) are definitely worth a try/consideration, they use them in beauty Parlours to paint flowers n star's on ladies they have incredible accurate tips.
I buy the short 6mm ones.
Build is looking really good, looks like a nice kit. 😀👍
2  7 March, 20:03
Desert Marlin
The cowlings are turning out great!
1  7 March, 20:16
David Taylor
looking good Jennifer.
1  7 March, 20:39
Lovely progress!
1  7 March, 21:52
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Thank you, Mr. D, Desert Marlin, David, and Felix. I must pick some up, Mr D. Thanks for the tip.
2  7 March, 23:37
Troy Campbell
Awesome work
2  7 March, 23:45
Looking good Jennifer. I can already see a dramatic improvement in your skills from your last build. A few more builds under your belt and you will be winning awards. Keep it up. You're doing great!
2  8 March, 11:09
Pietro De Angelis
Good job Jennifer and congrats for your workspace!
1  8 March, 11:17
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Thank you, Troy, Skyhiker, and Pietro De Angelis!
1  9 March, 03:20
Rui S
Looking good, indeed 👍
1  9 March, 12:26
Very nice progress so far.
2  10 March, 09:07
Ludvík Kružík
Jennifer, the beginning of this year has been a busy one for me and I have had very little free time for my hobbies. That's why I discovered your new project so late. But I have to say right off the bat that I'm very intrigued by it. Your modeling skills are improving at an incredible pace. If the growth of your skills continues at this rate, the time will soon come when I will turn to you for advice 🙂.
Perhaps the change in scale from 1/72 to 1/48 has contributed to this. Anyway, you're doing very well and I'll be happy to follow the continuation of your build.
2  10 March, 13:35
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Thank you, Rui, gorby, and Ludvik!
 10 March, 17:16
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
I am super happy. I managed to pick up a second-hand light box for photography, and the difference in the quality of my photos is lovely.
2  13 March, 01:02
If you decide to try and apply quick shine to a project. In an airbrush, applying lite coats. If you want to apply it with a brush, I find using a nylon one works the best with no brush marks. Personally I like using tester's 1/4" nylon brush and painting it on.
2  13 March, 04:08
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Thanks, Dave, I will follow your advice.
 13 March, 05:44
I'm sure your cats will love your new light box. 😄
1  13 March, 06:48
Congrats to your light box! I'm using also a cheap foldable one (due to space reasons) with my working lamps. You know the result from the Goblin project for example.
Some photographic tip: for a big depth of field I use the "A" setting of my camera, close the aperture (high value like 14) and let the camera select the rest. This will result in high exposure times so a tripod is needed for the camera (use self-timer or remote shutter release).
2  13 March, 07:47
Mark Sherwood
Congrats on the light box. Your build is coming along nicely. 🥸👍
1  13 March, 08:50
Ludvík Kružík
Just a little clarification on bughunter's post. The camera setup mode that bughunter describes in his post belongs to a group of pre-installed programs that determine camera behavior. And the mode described is called aperture priority mode.

It very much depends on what camera you own. Not all cameras allow such settings. Moreover, different manufacturers use different designations for different photographic modes. One manufacturer's "A" may stand for aperture priority mode but another manufacturer's "A" may stand for auto mode.
The best way to find out what this is for your camera is to consult your camera manual. The mode selector itself is a definite help. If you find "AUTO" and "A" on it, then "A" is aperture priority mode. But it is possible that the manufacturer used the letter "A" to indicate auto mode. And the semi-automatic aperture priority mode on the selector is marked with the letters "AV" or "Av" (aperture value).
4  13 March, 13:03
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
@gorby, it's funny you should say that. Within an hour of me setting up the light box, my boy was lying on top of it.
@bughunter, I use a Samsung Galaxy S24, so I will figure out how to use it as you describe. I don't have a tripod yet, but I will add it to my wishlist.
@Mark, thank you
@Ludvik, good to know
 13 March, 16:53
Ludvík Kružík
Mobile phone cameras inherently have a large depth of field due to the miniature size of the lens and sensor chip. (A more detailed explanation of why this is so would be a long story.) But that doesn't mean they can't handle depth of field. Manufacturers get around this problem by using two or more lenses with different settings, and using clever algorithms and filters to compose the resulting image from each lens and adjust the resulting image to match the desired effect. What the mobile camera loses in optics, it can make up for in hearty help from sophisticated electronics.
2  13 March, 17:33
Desert Marlin
All my photos have been from an iPhone 12. Distance, zoom level and lighting definitely affect all the choices be tween Program mode, Aperture priority and Automatic type features. Image compression is perhaps the hardest effect since there is such a short lens(s) on these phones.
2  13 March, 18:51
Djordje Nikolic
Jennifer I agree the photo quality is really good. I tried a very cheap photo booth and I didn't do it justice, this is looking very serious
2  14 March, 04:24
Dear Jennifer, that Anson is really lovely. Any issues with gaps? I heard of some problems with the cowlings.
1  14 March, 07:37
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
@Ludvik Kružik, interesting, I did not know that about mobile phone cameras.
@Djordje Nikolic, thank you
@Felix, I found putting the cowlings together challenging (take three pieces and turn them into a perfect circle) but in the end they both fit together well. No major gaps to speak of really.
2  14 March, 22:39
Troy Campbell
Really cool detail .... nicely done!
1  14 March, 23:10
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Thank you, Troy!
 15 March, 00:23
Mr D
I was wondering how they moulded the cowlings as it's a complex shape.
Looking good Jenn. Keep up the good work 👍👍
2  15 March, 19:01
Jennifer Franklin kirjailija
Thank you, Mr D.
 16 March, 01:09

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