Kierre aloitti _th84_

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26 13 January, 09:12

First components are done on the German F-84F. The gun bay is a 3D printed part included in the "HIGH END" kit. Seat cushions and belts are made from scratch.
13 January, 09:22

Welcome @Guido and @Robert! My first non- prop build in this scale. Let's see how it goes. From what I saw in the kit parts so far it could be a nice and enjoyable build
1 15 January, 17:23

Many thanks guys and welcome - glad you have some interests in this build. Soon to be painted - very excited how the AK NMF turn out without gloss base, but I do this on purpose to make it a bit less shine. Should be more accurate - we will see
12 February, 16:24