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Kierre aloitti Mike_AUT

★ Starfish ★
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
41 12 February, 18:48
2  12 February, 19:39
Denis Dogadov
I assembled the Zlin Z-142 HobbyBoss, there are 12 parts. 😃
1  12 February, 19:51
Martin Weinpold
Im in.
1  12 February, 20:15
Łukasz Gliński
Me 4, cool topic, what livery?
1  12 February, 20:17
★ Starfish ★ kirjailija
Thank you all!
@Denis that sounds like a real challenge 😉
@Łukasz I tried to replicate the Czech livery, as seen on the boxart!
1  12 February, 20:21
Denis Dogadov
Don't you think the Cuban version is more interesting?
 12 February, 21:00
★ Starfish ★ kirjailija
Denis, this kit was a gift from a subscriber from the Czech Republic who also flew the Zlin within the Czech Air Force. I agree that the other schemes are also interesting though!
 12 February, 21:19
Denis Dogadov
Well, I want to say that the Hobby Boss is better at assembly, but the result is not much worse..
1  16 February, 16:14
Łukasz Gliński
Now you made me guys thinking about that one of Tropas Guardafronteras 😄
 16 February, 16:31
★ Starfish ★ kirjailija
And it's done. Check out my build report here: Youtube Video
 16 February, 18:46
Zbynek Honzik
The red on the Czech insignia is always on the side towards the fuselage, not away from the fuselage. You can see it on the back of the kit box!
3  17 February, 00:03
★ Starfish ★ kirjailija
Thank you Zbynek, you're totally right 🫤 I don't think I can fix that now...
1  17 February, 08:55
Beautiful little thing!
1  17 February, 10:07
★ Starfish ★ kirjailija
Thank you Gorby 😊
 17 February, 10:29
Very nice!
1  17 February, 10:33
★ Starfish ★ kirjailija
Danke Neuling!
 17 February, 10:52
Well done.
 17 February, 19:22
★ Starfish ★ kirjailija
Thank you Cuajete, much appreciated!
 17 February, 19:41
Łukasz Gliński
While it has its shortcomings, I find it inspiring 👍
 17 February, 19:55
★ Starfish ★ kirjailija
Thank you Lukas. It's an ok kit but I should have paid more attention considering the wing decals and placement of the instrument panel :/
 17 February, 20:55
Nice model from a crude kit 👍
 17 February, 20:59
★ Starfish ★ kirjailija
Vielen Dank bughunter!
 17 February, 21:04
Klasse Ergebnins 👍, leider hab ich den Bau verpasst. In meiner Schulzeit hab ich den Bausatz auch schon mal gebaut, damals noch von Aeroteam und mit Pinselbemalung.
 25 February, 19:27
★ Starfish ★ kirjailija
Danke Nicolas! Details zum Bau gibt's im Video oben. Hätte besser laufen können 😅
 26 February, 06:48
No pain, no gain : you gain a lot!
 26 February, 07:41
★ Starfish ★ kirjailija
Thanks Curatorm 😄
 26 February, 08:21
Martin Weinpold
Nice result!
 26 February, 08:25
★ Starfish ★ kirjailija
Thank you Martin!
 26 February, 09:00
Mark K
 6 March, 00:00
★ Starfish ★ kirjailija
Thank you Mark!
 6 March, 08:46

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