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Kierre aloitti flevodude

Mark van Alphen
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
7 16 February, 18:03
Jan Peters
Is this the same train that runs between Apeldoorn and Dieren?
I never knew it was a Kriegslok.😲
 17 February, 11:02
Mark van Alphen kirjailija
Hi Jan, we were there in august 2024 at museum station Beekbergen to make a trip with a Baureihe 23. Don't know if they also offer trips with the BR52..
1  17 February, 13:12
Jan Peters
I live in Arnhem, quite near Beekbergen, so I might have a look at the museum, I do like these old engines, now I see these are wartime locomotives I'm more keen on going.
For those of you who don't know what we're writing about: the site is in Dutch, but Google will gladly translate for your convenience.
1  17 February, 15:11
Mark van Alphen kirjailija
Impressive these steam trains and the visit to the museum inspired me to build the BR52. I bought the BR52 second-hand for 65 euros, so a good deal!
1  17 February, 16:39
Rui S
Beautiful machines, indeed 👍
 17 February, 16:56
Rui S
Nice progress. Keep it comming 👍
 15 March, 17:57
Mark van Alphen kirjailija
Finished the coaltender
 20 March, 15:30

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