mittakaavan mallintamistietokanta | stash manager

Kierre aloitti ScottieD

Scott Dutton
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
11 24 February, 10:21
Alex Rakhimgulov
Looks awesome! Some background is definitely needed for such great model! IMHO of course!
 24 February, 10:38
Scott Dutton kirjailija
If only I had the room. This is Sherman #53 inculding m10 etc. Thanks for encouragement though
1  24 February, 11:54
Marc .
Looks great!
 25 February, 08:15
Indeed. 👍
 25 February, 09:30
Scott Dutton kirjailija
Thanks gents, maybe not such great idea with the stowage, wonder what the blast out back end of rocket is like....
2  25 February, 12:31

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