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Steven Van Dyck
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Countach!View album, image #50
projekti: Countach!
1:24 Lamborghini Countach LP400 (Aoshima 058046)1:24 Lamborghini Countach (Aoshima 047439)
12 1 March, 02:20
Steven Van Dyck kirjailija
It was a rowdy start with the left part of the frame warped. I removed the warp with a thread tended between the wheelbays. Some changes were done to the interior to place the PE parts. A lot of parts are still dry-fit until after painting everything black. A strange thing is the gauge decal that has to be reversed from the sheet.
 8 March, 22:59
Watching 👍
 12 March, 13:02
Yngve N
I'm here to learn
 14 March, 10:36
István Szücs
Looks great, I'm in!
 14 March, 18:32
Steven Van Dyck kirjailija
Bienvenuti everybody, today some PE is fixed to the body after it was cleaned of sprue parts with a saw, to save the window styles. I wanted to open up the deaeration ducts before placing the PE gills. I also felt the need to sand the orange monobloc clearparts, they have visible sinkmarks.
1  16 March, 14:51
George Williams
Great work so far, Steven, and a nice reference book. What colour have you painted the bodywork?
 17 March, 01:48
Steven Van Dyck kirjailija
Thanks, George. At this moment no paint has been applied yet. Instructions for the entire frame are a mix semi gloss/ matt black, but my reference for the interior seems to be leather brown. This will be done with Tamiya and Gunze paints. The outside will be the emerald green paint I showed on the pictures. I think this is solvent based, it's ten years ago I used that in an airbrush.
 17 March, 09:02
George Williams
Thanks, Steven, looking forward to it.
 17 March, 10:16

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