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16 25 May 2016, 20:34

The lifelike decals (part 4) were used rather than the kit ones Which was a good move. Its a good kit.
5 June 2016, 17:28

Nice, you don't seem to see many of these built up. You've done a good job
6 June 2016, 20:48

Looks really nice, i built the Hasegawa Kit and it was a challenge to not become a tailsitter 😉
7 June 2016, 06:32

I put large amounts of lead in nose and frobt of engine nacelles....and it still tail sat. A clear bit of sprue glued to the tail bump skid keeps it from tail sitting.
8 June 2016, 11:14

My father was the pilot of the Goon in the CBI. Great job on the model. I do have dvds of his 8 mm films taken during combat, in China and India.
25 January 2018, 17:06

@ChevSam - you should post any stories your father had flying "The Goon" that he might of passed on to you. You google 'B-24 The Goon' and you get a ton of info back. The top gunner has some fame down here in Arizona.
26 January 2018, 00:11

The detail on the cowlings was very subtle so I went over it with a panel line scribe. I also added deluxe materials liquid gravity into each cowling to help stop tail sitting (it did not work).
27 February 2018, 18:42

Thanks @ChevSam . The history of the aircraft and crew was very interesting and influenced which tail markings to use. Great nose art too.
27 February 2018, 18:52

Nice looking B-24 from an old kit! Good idea with the clear sprue piece for tail. So are you saying it's pretty much a tail sitter regardless what you do? (For my planning).
1 August 2024, 09:40

Thanks Paul. Well I failed to avoid tail sitting but you maybhave more luck. I can remember how much I put in the fuselage. I know I filled the front of the engines with delus materials liquid gravity.
1 August 2024, 19:48